目的探讨影响广州大学城女大学生乳房保健意识的因素。方法通过立意抽样法,采用自行设计的调查问卷对广州大学城598名本科女大学生进行调查,并对数据进行统计分析。结果 528名(88.3%)女大学生认为生活、学习、情感等压力对乳房健康有影响。334名(55.8%)女大学生不了解月经周期与乳房不适的关系。145名(24.2%)女大学生未感到乳房异常,193名(32.3%)女大学生有时感到乳房异常。乳房保健情况方面,514名(86.0%)女大学生未定期进行乳房检查,仅5名(0.8%)女大学生定期进行乳房检查。147名(24.6%)女大学生了解乳房保健方法;357名(59.7%)女大学生平时未进行乳房保健按摩;仅23名(3.8%)女大学生开展过乳腺自查(BSE)。185名(30.9%)女大学生购买内衣时不试穿,519名(86.8%)女大学生了解自己的内衣尺码,86名(14.4%)女大学生不了解内衣穿戴的正确方式,83名(13.9%)女大学生有穿着内衣睡觉的习惯。年龄、专业性质、是否接受过乳房健康教育、调查前是否知道乳腺癌、调查前是否了解BSE、有无接受BSE相关指导为女大学生是否开展BSE的影响因素。结论女大学生乳房保健意识薄弱,乳房保健相关知识较为缺乏,高校应开展形式多样的乳房健康教育,以提高女大学生乳房保健意识,促进女大学生乳房健康。
Objective To investigate factors influencing breast health awareness in female college students in Guangzhou University Town. Methods With a purposive sampling method, 598 undergraduate female students in Guangzhou University Town were selected to do a self-designed questionnaire and the data were statistically analyzed. Results 528 (88.3%) female college students thought that stress from life, study and e- motion affected breast health. 334 (55.8%) did not know the relation between menstrual cycle and breast dis- comfort. 145 (24.2%) students did not feel breast abnormalities and 193 (32.3%) sometimes felt breast ab- normalities. From the perspective of breast health, 514 (86.0%) did not do regular breast examination and on- ly 5 (0.8%) did regular breast examination. 147 (24.6%) knew methods of breast health care; 357 (59.7%) did not do usual breast massage; only 23 (3.8%) had breast self-examination (BSE). 185 (30.9%) female students bought underwear without trying on; 519 (86.8%) knew their underwear size; 86 (14.4%) did not know the correct way to wear underwear; 83 (13.9%) had the habit of sleep with underwear. The factors in- fluencing BSE in female students were age, major, whether they received breast health education, whether they knew breast cancer before the survey, whether they knew BSE before the survey and whether they accept- ed BSE-related guidance. Conclusion The breast health awareness in female college students is poor and they are lack of knowledge about breast health. Therefore, universities should carry out various forms of breast health education to improve their breast health awareness and promote breast health of female students.
Health Medicine Research and Practice
Female college students
Breast health
Breast self-examination