目的 分析新疆血液透析现状,为改进新疆血液透析治疗提供客观依据。 方法 现场调查全疆已开展透析的医院,收集透析设备、医护人员及在透患者等数据,并整理2013-2014年全疆在线登记透析患者数据,进行整合分析。 结果 已开展血液透析的医疗机构共82家,已覆盖所有地州市级及63%的县级医院,可满足新疆80%人口的治疗需求。人口在10万以上的县,90%已开展透析。截止2015年5月,MHD患者3202人,70%在地州及县级医院接受透析治疗。全疆每百万人透析人数158人/pmp,其中喀什、和田、阿克苏、克州、哈密及塔城地区每百万人透析人数不足100人/pmp。在透患者乙肝、丙肝、梅毒、艾滋感染率分别为7.2%、6.7%、1.8%、0.2%。全疆从事血液透析的医师共192人,取得专科岗位培训证书94人;从事血液透析的护士共498人,取得专科岗位培训证书276人;透析工程师共58人,取得专科岗位培训证书22人。结论 我区已基本建成覆盖全疆血液透析治疗的网络,可满足80%的病人透析治疗的需求。已开展透析治疗的医院硬件基本满足国家规定标准,但从事血液透析的医护技人员接受专科岗位培训率较低,需尽快完善血液透析的规范化培训及岗位教育,进一步提高从业人员资质。
Objective To introduce the current status of hemodialysis in Xinjiang in order to provide an objective basis for the improvement of hemodialysis treatment. Methods We investigated all of the hospitals providing hemodialysis treatment in Xinjiang by using field survey method. We collected the data about dialysis equipments, medical staffs and number of hemodialysis patients, summarized the information about online registered hemodialysis patients during 2013-2014, and then performed an integrated analysis. Results There are totally 82 medical institutions providing hemodialysis treatment, covering all state cities and 63% of county-level hospitals. These medical institutes can meet the demand of hemodialysis for 80% population in Xinjiang. 90% of counties with 〉100,000 residences provide hemodialysis treatment. By May 2015, there are 3,202 MHD patients, of whom 70% receive hemodialysis in state hospitals or county hospitals. The hemodialysis ratio in Xinjiang is 158/1,000,000 population, but the ratio is 〈 100/1,000,000 population in Kashi, Hotan, Aksu, Hami and Tacheng districts. In hemodialysis patients, the infections of hepatitis B, hepatitis C, syphilis, HIV/AIDS are 7.3%, 6.8%, 1.9% and 0.3% respectively. A total of 192 physicians are working for hemodialysis, and 94 of them have got the professional training certificate. A total of 498 nurses engage in hemodialysis, and 276 of them have got the professional training certificate. A total of 58 engineers are working for hemodialysis, and 22 of them have got the professional training certificate. Conclusions A hemodialysis treatment system has been established in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. This system can meet the demand of 80% patients that need hemodialysis. The quality of hardware for hemodialysis in the hospitals also meets the national standards. However, the ratio of medial workers being trained and educated with the professional ofhemodialysis is still lower, suggesting great demands for continuing training and education.
Chinese Journal of Blood Purification
Hemodialysis patient
Human resources
Dialysis equipment