
走向学术研究2.0的高校信息素养教育 被引量:5

Information Literacy Education of University Towards Research 2.0
摘要 为了探讨学术图书馆的未来,以及科学研究的未来发展趋势,通过对信息素养、学术图书馆中基于WEB2.0的学术交流等领域的专业文献调研,阐述学术研究2.0的定义和特征,介绍学术研究2.0与信息素养中核心价值观和指导原则上的一致性,认为高校信息素养教育与学术研究2.0具备合作基础,对未来高校信息素质教育提出重点关注科学数据素养、学术出版素养、替代计量学等建议,为学术图书馆的发展辨明方向。 In this paper, based on the literature survey of papers on information literacy, scholarly communication and academic library about WEB2.0, this author attempts to present the definition of Research 2.0 and its most important features. There are points of congruence between information literacy and Research 2.0 in their core ideas and guiding principles. Academic information literacy education and research 2.0 has cooperation basis, the author proposes that academic information literacy should focus on scientific data management, academic publishing literacy, Ahmetrics, and identify the direction for the development of academic library.
作者 涂颖哲 梁红
出处 《情报科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第7期31-35,共5页 Information Science
基金 2014年度华南理工大学中央高校基本科研业务费项目(社会科学类)(GM02) 2014广东省哲学社会科学项目(GD14XTS02)部分研究成果
关键词 学术研究2.0 信息素养教育 高等教育 academic research information literacy education higher education
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