
“把革命带回来”:社会学新视野的拓展 被引量:105

“Bringing Back Revolution”:Expanding a New Vision of Sociology
摘要 本文在韦伯和陈寅恪等人的启发下,提出了关于中国革命的社会学研究的问题意识、分析框架和基本方法,试图将"革命"这个社会学的经典母题重新带回到中国社会学界,以此拓展社会学研究的新视野。这种新的研究路数尝试围绕阶级路线、民主集中制和群众路线等重点,在借鉴实证史学资料收集法的基础上,运用"社会学的想象力"和事件社会学的方式来深入理解中国共产党在革命时期建立起来的独特的政治文化及其所产生的复杂而深远的历史效果。 Inspired by the works of Max Weber, Chen Yinke and others, this paper discusses the sociological inquiry of the Chinese revolution and its analysis and methodology in an attempt to bring back revolution, a classical sociological subject, to the field of Chinese sociology. Reflecting on some of the quandaries in the field, this study uses a new research approach that applies "sociological imagination" and empirical methods to gain deeper understanding of the unique political culture of the CCP and its profound historical influence. The discussion focuses on issues such as class lines, democratic centralism and mass line. This approach requires a good grasp of western modernity theory and communism, and the evolution of the Chinese revolution. It entails a systematic collection of historical data as well as a comprehension of the relationship between international origins and domestic roots, the relationship among the three contemporary Chinese revolutions of the 1911 Revolution, the Nationalist Revolution and the Communist Revolution, and the relationship of the political line, organizational line and working line adopted by the CCP. It is emphasized that a holistic historical approach should be applied to local events with the benefit of researches in political, social and intellectual history. Sociologists should avoid presumptions based on their own belief, recognize the complexity of the subject and uphold what Max Weber called academic ethics of "intellectual integrity. "
作者 应星
出处 《社会》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期1-39,共39页 Chinese Journal of Sociology
基金 中国政法大学优秀中青年教师培养支持计划的资助项目成果~~
关键词 革命 政治文化 路线 事件社会学 revolution, political culture, line, eventful sociology
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