摩擦阻力在民机总阻力中占很大比重,减少摩擦阻力对改善民机性能和实现绿色航空具有重要意义。层流摩擦阻力远小于湍流摩擦阻力,因此扩大层流区,甚至实现全层流流动,是减阻的一个重要途径。目前形成了自然层流流动、全层流流动和混合层流流动控制(HLFC)3种层流流动主动控制技术。本文基于减阻和流动不稳定分析,对3种控制技术的概念、方法、优缺点、可带来的效益和应用层流流动控制技术的飞机的设计方法及维护(包括预防昆虫和冰粒等污染的措施)等方面作了较为系统的阐述。概要地介绍了X21A、Jetstar、Boeing 757等飞机的HLFC飞行试验验证项目,结果表明了层流流动主动控制技术的有效性和困难性。本文也从原理到飞行试验较为系统地介绍了一种层流流动被动控制技术。
Friction drag is the major part of the total drag of a transport. Reducing the friction drag is essential for improvingaircraft performance and its influence on the environment. Since laminar friction drag is much less than the turbulent one, oneof the important measures for reducing the friction drag is to increase the laminar flow extent, and if possible, to realize afully laminar flow. Three types of laminar flow active control technology, including natural laminar flow, fully laminar flow andhybrid laminar flow controls (HLFC), are formed through half centenary reseach. Based on the analysis of drag reduction andinstability of flow, the concepts, methods, advantages and disadvantages, potential benefits and design methods of laminarflow control aircraft and its operational maintenance (including protection from insect contamination and ice accumulation) aredescribed systematically in the present paper. The effectiveness and difficulties of active control are shown by briefly intro-ducing the projects of HLFC flight tests of the X21A slotted suction flight tests, simulated airlines flight tests of Jetstar HLFCleading edge systems and Boeing 757 HLFC flight tests. A kind of passive control technology, from its mechanism to theflight demonstrator, is also systematically introduced in the present paper.
Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica