
简易捏脊疗法治疗儿童哮喘的临床疗效观察 被引量:5

Clinical Observation on the Clinical Effect of Simple Chiropractic Therapy in the Treatment of Asthma in Children
摘要 目的观察简易捏脊疗法治疗儿童哮喘的临床疗效。方法 5间医院采取多中心、随机、单盲的方法,纳入轻、中度哮喘患儿155例,脱落11例,最后完成治疗144例,其中男101例,女43例,随机分为小儿简易捏脊疗法合并基础疗法治疗组(治疗组)与单用基础疗法治疗组(对照组),治疗组74例,对照组70例,治疗组与对照组分别给予小儿简易捏脊疗法合并基础疗法治疗和单用基础疗法治疗12周,并观察2组的无症状天数、日间和夜间症状评分情况。结果治疗组与对照组相比,在夜间症状计分、无哮喘症状的天数、哮喘急性发作次数、β受体激动剂的应用等均有显著差异,2组之间差异比较有统计学意义(P<0.05),虽然白天症状计分未明显差异,但也有差异的趋势,提示小儿简易捏脊疗法治疗哮喘效果确切、良好。结论简易捏脊疗法可对小儿哮喘有独特、显著的疗效。 Objective To observe the clinical effect of the simple chiropractic therapy in the treatment of asthma in children. Methods155 cases of mild or moderate asthma in children of five hospitals were selected by using multicenter randomized prospective clinical tri-al, of which 11 cases lose, ended with 144 succeed cases, including 101 male and 43 female. The cases were divided randomly into 2groups. One used combination therapy with based therapy and simple chiropractic therapy(the experiment group), the other used single based therapy(the control group). The former had 74 cases, and the later had 70 cases. The patients in the experiment group were treated with combination therapy with based therapy and simple chiropractic therapy for 12 weeks. Patients in the control group were treated with based therapy for 12 weeks. The symptom-free days, daytime and nighttime symptom scores were observed. Results Significant difference was found between the experiment group and the control group in the symptom-free days, nighttime symptom scores, asthma acute attack times and the application of Beta Receptor antagonist. There was significantly statistical difference between the two groups(P〈0.05). Although no obvious differences were found in daytime symptom scores, and there were also tendency of differences. The results mentioned above indicated that the effect of simple chiropractic therapy on asthma was effective and good. Conclusion simple chiropractic therapy in the treatment of asthma in children was unique and effective.
出处 《中国中医药现代远程教育》 2016年第13期106-108,共3页 Chinese Medicine Modern Distance Education of China
基金 广东省科技厅课题(No:2012A030400022)
关键词 简易捏脊疗法 儿科 哮喘 临床疗效 康复 simple chiropractic therapy pediatrics asthma clinical effect recovery
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