Economy growth in China is expected to slow down a little during the I3th Five-Year-Plan period. So will the domestic gas demand and supply market, which may be quite different from that of the 11 th and 12th Five-Year-Plan periods. The paper summarized the state quo of gas supply and demand in the country and analyzed factors that may affect the demand and supply balance in the new period. It is proposed that there will be many uncertainties in achieving supply and demand goals of gas set for tire period, and gas glut is also very possible during the time. To deal with the problem, it is suggested that several measures be taken nationwide: improving utilization of gas in several sectors, straightening and optimizing the pricing mechanism, speeding up construction of infrastructures, implementing relevant policies and boosting up supen^ision and monitor of tire industry.
Economy growth in China is expected to slow down a little during the 13 th Five-Year-Plan period. So will the domestic gas demand and supply market, which may be quite different from that of the 11 th and 12 th Five-Year-Plan periods. The paper summarized the state quo of gas supply and demand in the country and analyzed factors that may affect the demand and supply balance in the new period. It is proposed that there will be many uncertainties in achieving supply and demand goals of gas set for the period, and gas glut is also very possible during the time. To deal with the problem, it is suggested that several measures be taken nationwide: improving utilization of gas in several sectors, straightening and optimizing the pricing mechanism, speeding up construction of infrastructures, implementing relevant policies and boosting up supervision and monitor of the industry.