为了方便地获取煤泥浮选尾矿的图片信息,验证图片灰度与尾矿灰分的关系,探索基于Open CV开源的计算机视觉函数库,利用USB视频采集卡,结合VS2010平台开发煤泥浮选尾矿图片采样分析系统的可行性。该系统根据设定的时间间隔定时采集尾矿图片,利用Open CV自建的视觉函数库将相关图片转换为灰度图片,并通过软件算法剔除采样过程中光照和气泡的干扰,再存储图片和灰度数据。研究表明:该系统采集图片的客观性和真实性显著提高,为验证图片灰度与尾矿灰分的关系提供了成本低廉、质量可靠的解决方案。
For easy access to flotation tailings image information and defining the image grayscale in rela- tion to ash of tailings, an investigation is made into the feasibility of developing a flotation tailings image sampling analysis system using the USB video acquisition card coupled with VS2010 platform, based on OpenCV open-source computer vision function library. The system can collect the images if tailings at pre- set time interval and then convert the images into gray images using OpenCV~ self-buih video function li- brary. Finally, the images and gray images are sorted after eliminating the interference of light and air bub- bles during the sampling process with software algorithm. Result of study indicates the system can collect image with noticeably improved objectivity and authenticity. This provides a coat-effective and high-per- formance reliable approach for verifying the relationship between grayscale of image and ash of railings.
Coal Preparation Technology