When Qiaopi (the overseas remittance by private remittance houses or postal agencies) tried to declare the Memory of the World Register and succeeded on Jun. 2013, more and more people get to understand and cognize the special value of the overseas remittance and its world significance as human Cultural heritage. Moreover, the rescue, protection and research of the overseas remittance are promoted actively. The business of overseas Chinese postal agencies and ShuiKe, which bear the responsibilities of collection, transferring, delivery, exchanging and pay, and have both functions of finance and post (especially international finance and post), however, haven't received more attention. Especially their development track after the foundation of PRC is rarely discussed academi- cally or summarized. Along with the heritages of the overseas Chinese postal agencies dilapidating constantly and being converted to commercial use, they face the dilemma of being forgotten quickly and thoroughly. This year is the 120 anniversary of China post office, and this thesis tries to investigate and reveal the special status and function in near modem post and finance's development history of the business of overseas Chinese postal agencies and ShuiKe, from the perspective of China's transformation, effort to build a modern state and integrate into the world system. Then the thesis try to help cognize the relationship between the overseas Chinese and China , as well as its significance to China deeply.
Southeast Asian Studies
Overseas Remittance
Overseas Chinese
Remittance House
Overseas Chinese Postal Agen eies