2008-2012年连续10个玉米生长季节在广西农业科学院明阳试验基地同一试验地适时播种玉米,在同一施肥水平下进行管理,并对玉米的产量性状进行评价。结合2008-2012年南宁吴圩气象站提供的玉米生育时期气温、降水、日照时数资料,对年际间、季节间玉米产量的稳定性进行比较,分析玉米生育时期的气候变化特征及不同年份玉米产量的波动情况。结果表明,日平均气温秋季高于春季,除了春季少数几天出现的低温,玉米生长期温度基本适合玉米生长;春季随着玉米的生长,气温有逐步上升的趋势;和春季相反,秋季随着玉米的生长,气温有逐步下降的趋势。玉米生长期日照合计值秋季高于春季,日照呈现波浪型变化,变幅在0~12 h之间。日平均降水量春季在2.85~3.99 mm之间,变化较小;秋季在2.47~6.15 mm之间,变化较大;春季单日较大的降水都出现在玉米生长的中后期,秋季的降水不均匀且无规律,玉米苗期和成熟期降水普遍较少。春季玉米产量在7 446.0~9 118.5 kg/hm2之间,秋季在6 346.5~7 297.5 kg/hm2之间,产量低于春季。生育期春季105~121 d,秋季91~101 d,春季的生育期明显长于秋季。2008-2012年玉米生育时期没有重大的自然灾害,玉米产量波动与年际间气候条件相关性较小。不同年份之间,玉米产量变化不明显,但表现季节效应,春季玉米产量显著高于秋季。
The maize were sowed at the normal season and the same field in 10 maize growth seasons during 2008-2012.The fertilizer was supplied at the same level, the maize yields were appraised. Based on the observation data of temperature,precipitation and sunlight from Wuxu meteorological station from 2008 to 2012, the maize yield stability was compared between different year and season, and the climate change of maize growth stages and the interannual fluctuations of maize yield were analyzed. The results showed that the total sunlight dates of autumn was higher than spring in maize growth stages,sunlight presented the wavy changes, the variation scope was 0~12 h. The average daily precipitation was 2.85~3.99 mm and kept a slight change in spring, it was 2.47~6.15 mm and kept a great change in autumn, the daily maximum precipitation occurred at the late period, the precipitation was uneven and irregular,small amounts of precipitation was universal at the seed and maturity stage. The average daily temperature in spring was higher than autumn, excepted for a few days of low temperature in spring,the temperature was suitable for the growth of maize. The temperature increased gradually with the growth of maize in spring,on the contrary,the temperature decreased gradually with the growth of maize in autumn. The maize yield was 7 446.0~9 118.5 kg / hm2 in spring and 6 346.5~7 297.5 kg / hm2 in autumn,the yield in autumn was lower than spring.The maize growth period was 105 ~121 d in spring and 91 ~101 d in autumn,the maize growth period in spring was longer than autumn. There were no serious natural disasters, the fluctuations of maize yield and the interannual climate had little correlation. Among different years,the change of yield was not notability,but it had the significant seasonal variation,the yield in spring was higher than in autumn.
Hubei Agricultural Sciences