
日本的高等教育对外援助 被引量:3

Japan's Foreign Aid for Higher Education
摘要 基于"教育强国"的历史经验,日本对高等教育的援外工作给予高度重视,通过接收留学生、开展技术合作、提供无偿援助和日元贷款等形式为发展中国家提供了大量援助。发展中国家高等教育环境发生变化,各层次教育要求综合发展、知识经济兴起对理工人才需求增加、高等教育管理和区域合作等方面亟需援助。日本的高等教育对外援助政策综合协调了高等教育与其他层次教育的关系,突出了理工科的优先地位以及管理援助的重要性,重视发展中国家高等教育的区域合作。日本的高等教育援助特征是以受援国现实需求为逻辑起点,以知识经济兴起为背景,以软件援助为主要内容;其本质是为本国政治战略和国家软实力建设服务。 Based on the historic experience of making nation powerful in education, Japan has been always emphasizing the foreign aid and provided a large number of foreign aid of higher education by accepting foreign students, implementing technical cooperation, providing free assistance and yen loans. As environ- ment of higher education in developing countries has changed, all levels of education required comprehensive development, the rise of knowledge economy called for talents of science, and higher education management and regional cooperation needed aids. Therefore, Japan's forei hensively the relationship between higher education and other levels of gn ed aid policy coordinated compreucation, focused on the role of priority of science and the importance of management assistance, and emphasized the regional cooperation of the higher education of developing countries. The higher education aid of Japan characterized recipient countries' real need as the logical starting point, the rise of knowledge economy as the background and software aid as the main content. The essence of Japan's aid is to serve its national political strategy and construction of national soft power.
作者 彭文平
出处 《日本问题研究》 CSSCI 2016年第4期49-57,共9页 Japanese Research
关键词 日本 高等教育 对外援助 知识经济 软件援助 Japan higher education foreign aid
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