The production flowsheet of test steel SCM435 rod coil (/% : 0. 33 -0. 38C, 0. 15 - 0. 35Si, 0. 60 0. 85Mn, ≤0. 025P, ≤0. 025S, 0. 90 - 1.20Cr, 0. 15 -0. 30Mo) is 80 t BOF-LF-280 mm ×325 mm casting bloom-160 mmx 160 mm hot-rolled billet-hot continuous rolling to q516 mm rod coil. The effect of 160 mmx 160 mm hot-rolled billet rolling to rod coil processes by normal rolling (beginning rolling at 1 060 ℃, finishing rolling at 930 - 950 ℃, finishing exit temperature 860 -900 ℃, cooling rate 0. 5 -0. 6 ℃/s) and eontrol-rolling-eooling (beginning rolling at 1 060 ℃, finishing rolling at 820 - 850 ℃, finishing exit temperature 780 - 820 ℃, cooling rate 0. 4 - 0. 5 ℃/s) on structure and mechanical properties of steel SCM435 hot-rolled rod coil has been tested and studied. Results show that with decreasing the finishing temperature and cooling rate, the structure of steel hot-rolled rod coil is improved and the tensile strength of steel decreases obviously, that is the average tensile strength of steel SCM435 hot-rolled rod coil rolled by normal rolling process is 952 MPa with structure of ferrite + pearlite + bainite + martensite, while the average tensile strength of SCM435 hot-rolled rod coil roiled by control rolling-cooling process is 817 MPa with structure of ferrite + pearlite. Based on the principle of control-rolling-cooling the analysis on change of structure and properties of steel has been carried out.
Special Steel
Steel SCM435, Ф16 mm Rod Coil, Control-Rolling-Cooling, Structure, Mechanical Properties