目的 总结首都医科大学附属友谊医院急诊科在举办国家级继续教育项目中的经验并探讨过程管理对培训效果的影响。方法 回顾性分析急诊科2009-2015年举办的7次国家级继续教育学习班的资料,通过学员构成、学历分布、授课教师层次、授课内容等多个维度分析管理经验,探讨根据学员的需求调整教学内容对教学结果的影响。结果 ①参加国家级继续教育项目学员学历层次逐年提高,不同年度间学历差异显著(P〈0.001,χ^2=63.71),二级以下医院学员逐渐成为接受培训主体(P〈0.001,χ^2=92.814);②在学员职称上初中级成为培训主体,各年度间差异显著(P〈0.001,χ^2=42.99);③随着教学科目倾向于解决临床问题,在评估教学结果中“开阔临床思路”、“提高临床诊断能力”、“提高理论水平”三项为学员主要收获,较其它结果差异显著(P〈0.001,χ^2=186.46)。结论 ①参与培训的学员学历层次逐渐提高,来源单位逐渐基层化;②初中级职称医生为培训主体;③理论联系实际的教学方式更适合基层医生的培训需求。
Objective To summarize the experience in national continuing education programs held by the department of emergency in Beijing Friendship Hospital, Capital Medical University, and to explore the effect of process management in training. Methods The data of seven national workshops held by the emergency department during 2009 to 2915 were retrospectively analyzed through the distribution of academic degrees of students, levels of teachers, teaching contents, experience in management and so on, in order to explore the reformation according to the needs of students and to adjust the teaching contents on the results of teaching. Results (1) The academic degree of students had been yearly increased ,significant difference had been found in degrees among different years ( P 〈 0 .0 0 1 ,χ^2= 6 3 .7 1 ) . The students from the secondary hos-pitals gradually became the main training subjects ( P 〈0. 001 , χ^2= 92. 814). (2)The stuff - members with primary or middle professional titlesbecame the main training subjects, and the difference in each year was significant ( P 〈0. 001 ,χ^2 = 42. 99) . (3)As the teaching subjects tend tosolve clinical problems, in evaluation of teaching results, " to broaden the clinical thought" , " to improve the ability of clinical diagnosis" , and " to improve their theoretical level" were their main harvests, and the difference in comparison with other results was significant ( P 〈0. 001 , χ^2 = 186.46). Conclusion (1)The academic levels of students participated in the training are gradually raised, and the source units gradually become grassroots.(2)Physicians with mid - level titles are the main body in the training.(3)The teaching method with combination of theory and practice is more suitable for the needs of physicians from basic medical units.
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine
Eemergency department
Continuing education
Executive condition