高分一号卫星是我国发展的新一代高分辨率对地观测卫星,如何应用该数据进行环境空气监测是目前迫切需要解决的问题。在深蓝算法基础上,根据GF-1星16 m相机的波段特征,借助MODIS的地表反射率产品去除地表贡献,从蓝波段数据反演了陆地气溶胶,实现了深蓝算法在GF-1星16m相机的应用。在此基础上,收集了2014年8~11月过境北京地区的GF-1星16m相机数据进行了反演实验,结果表明:该算法获取的气溶胶反演结果较好地反映了气溶胶的空间分布。同时,利用同期的AERONET/PHOTONS北京站的地面监测数据进行了算法验证,结果表明,本算法与地面数据有较好的相关性,相关系数大约为0.9,但该算法结果明显高于地面观测结果,可能是MODIS与GF-1星16m相机的波段响应不同导致的结果。
As Chinese new satellite of high resolution for earth observation,the application of air pollution monitoring for GF-1data is a key problem which needs to be solved.Based on Deep Blue algorithm,by taking count of the characteristic of GF-1 16 mcamera,the contribution of land surface was removed by MODIS surface reflectance product,and aerosol optical depth(AOD)was retrieved from apparent reflectance in blue band.Therefore,Deep blue algorithm was applied to GF-1 16 mcamera successfully.Then,we collected GF-1 16 mcamera data over Beijing area between August and November,2014,and the experiment of AOD was processed.It is obviously that the retrieved image showed the distribution of AOD well.At last,the AOD was validated by ground-based AOD data of AERONET/PHOTONS Beijing site.It is showed that there are good agreement between GF-1AOD and AERONET/PHOTONS AOD(R is about 0.9).But GF-1AOD is obvious larger than ground-based AOD which may be brought by the difference of fliter response function between MODIS and GF-1camera.
Remote Sensing Technology and Application