As the object and personalized tools in the communication between the God and person in the Nuo- sacrifice ceremony and Nuo drama performance of Tujia and Miao nationalities in Xiangxi, Nuo masks are continuously studied by scholars in recent years. Academic content of many subjects, such as art studies, cultural studies, anthropology, ethnology, etc. can be observed in the modeling concept and the interpreta- tional forms of Nuo masks. In recent years, academic studies of Nuo masks of Tujia, Miao nationalities in Xiangxi mainly focuses on the transverse multi -sited interpretations across time and space which is benefi- cial to demonstrating multi -disciplinary connotation versely. However, there is a lacking of the "linear" time to detect the origin, development and change of and values of the Nuo mask comprehensively and di- interpretation and deep investigation of the space and the Nuo masks so that the basic trajectory of cultural change and the art development process of the Nuo masks cannot be displayed. This article, from the per- spective of cultural anthropology, conducted a study of the Nuo masks of Tujia and Miao nationalities in Xiangxi on the secularized production modeling, the god - human - beast modeling in sympathetic witchcraft , the personalized God modeling in Nuo sacrifice , and so on. The paper therefore comprehensively of the modeling objects and concepts of the Nuo ceremony and character playing modeling in secular drama shows the process of occurrence, inheritance and dynamics masks in social and historical development, as well as the cultural anthropological factors that determine its transmission and change. This paper adopts a unique angle of viewing the diachronic time - space dynamics of Nuo masks which can fully reveal the rich values in terms of art studies and anthropology.
Ethnic Art Studies
Xiangxi Nuo Masks, anthropology, art, research of the origin and change