Digestive tract reconstruction is an important part of gastric carcinoma operation as well as tmnor resection and lymph node dissection. Surgeons are seeking the optimal recon- struction method that reduces the occurrence of complications and maintains better quality of postoperative life extremely. Uncut Roux-en-Y anastomosis is a modified procedure in which an arti- fieial jejunal occlusion is devised to avoid Roux stasis syndrome based on Billroth II and Braun's anastomosis. Compared to the conventional Roux-en-Y anastomosis, the uncut Roux-en-Y anastonmsis retains the advantage of preventing biliary and pan- creatie secretions reflux, furthermore, it can decrease the symp- toms associated with Roux stasis owing to the abnormal myoelec- trical conduction of Roux limb. Because the early studies indica- ted that there was higher incidence of dehiscence or recanaliza- tion of the jejunal occlusion, the uncut Roux-en-Y anastomosis has not been widely applied. Since jejunal occlusion has been optimized recently, the uncut Roux-en-Y reconstruction may be an optional and appropriate method of digestive tract reconstruc- tion after distal gastrectomy.
Chinese Journal of Digestive Surgery