
基于价值链视角的知识产权强国建设路径研究 被引量:6

Building a World Power of Intellectual Property Right from Value Chain Perspective
摘要 我国实施创新驱动发展战略以来,创新能力有了大幅提升,知识产权事业迅速发展。规模大而不强,研发创新产出质量不高仍是困扰我国知识产权发展和创新能力提升的核心问题。2015年,国务院明确提出加快知识产权强国建设,知识产权强国建设上升为国家战略。为此,该研究主要基于知识产权价值链视角,通过对知识产权价值流转各关键环节的分析,以实现知识产权价值最大化为目标,研究提出我国知识产权强国建设的指导思想、基本原则、重点任务和实施路径,创新性地构建出了知识产权强国建设战略实施"金字塔";最后,根据对发展现状与未来趋势的判断,提出了我国知识产权强国建设战略愿景与发展目标。 China's intellectual property right has rapidly developed and innovation capability has also quickly improved since the issue of "Innovation-driven Development Strategy" on national level. From now on, China has already become the biggest applicant of patents and register of trademarks in the world, although the innovation capability is still not strong and the output quality is still not good. In order to compensate this gap, the State Council explicitly put forward the strategy to build a world power of intellectual property right in 2015. Under such background, selecting the perspective of intellectual property value chain, this paper investigated the key segments of intellectual property value circulation, aimed to maximize the value of which. It proposed the guidelines, principles, major tasks, as well as implementation approaches to build into China such a world power. It formulated the "Pyramid to Build World Power of IPRs", the conceptual framework of above, as well as the scenario and milestones of China to achieve it in medium and long term, based on evaluation of status and forecast of the future.
出处 《中国科学院院刊》 CSCD 2016年第9期1006-1016,共11页 Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(71373137) 国家知识产权局"知识产权强国建设战略任务研究"项目 中国博士后科学基金第58批面上项目(2015M581127)
关键词 知识产权强国战略 知识产权价值链 实施路径 价值实现 strategy to build a world power of intellectual property right, intellectual property value chain, implementation approach, value realization
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