

Strategy of avoiding excessive obstetric surgery
摘要 随着重症产科及围产医学的发展,分娩方式、手术方式和手术途径等一系列问题正越来越受到重视。本文就如何避免产科过度手术的问题进行探讨,遵循个体化治疗原则,分析过度手术引起的并发症,并提出对策,以提高手术效果和改进产科质量。 With the development of severe obstetric and perinatal medicine, the delivery mode, surgical procedure and operative approaches are getting more and more attention.To improve the treatment outcome and the quality of obstetric, this article discusses how to avoid excessive obstetric surgery, following the principles of individualized treatment, analyzing the complication and putting forward countermeasures.
作者 何文君 余琳
出处 《中华产科急救电子杂志》 2016年第1期19-21,共3页 Chinese Journal of Obstetric Emergency(Electronic Edition)
关键词 产科外科手术 手术后并发症 治疗结果 Obstetric surgical procedures Postoperative complications Treatment outcome
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