卫星通讯服务的快速增长催生了对于“动中通”设备旺盛的需求.由于具有低剖面、加工方便、功能实现多样等特点,折叠式反射阵列具有应用于“动中通”系统的巨大潜力.针对这一应用需求,提出了一种具有大角度扫描能力的折叠式反射阵列设计方案,基于多层印刷电路板(Printed Circuit Board,PCB)技术,设计了一种工作在C波段可用于折叠式反射阵列具有60°扫描能力的微带缝隙单元,利用该单元设计了0°、45°和60°波束指向的固定波束折叠式反射阵列.此外,使用阵列馈源替代传统喇叭馈源,完成了馈源与主反射面的一体化设计,实现了折叠式反射阵列天线结构的平面化.固定波束折叠式反射阵列的仿真和实测结果表明在4.85~5.15GHz的频率范围内,阵列具有60°波束扫描的能力.
The booming development in satellite communication service forces the brisk demand for "SatCom-on-the-move" devices. Due to the low profile, the ease of fabrication and realization of multifunc- tion, folded reflectarrays have the potential to be applied in the "SatCom-on-the-move" . To fill this appli- cation demand, a design method of the wide-angle scanning folded reflectarray is presented in this paper. Based on the multi-layer printed circuit board (PCB) technology, the design of a C-band microstrip slot- typed unit cell with the beam scanning angle up to 60~ is accomplished and the folded refelctarrays with dis- crete beam angles of 0°, 45° and 60° are also designed by using the proposed slot-typed unit cell. In addi- tion, the completely planar structure of the whole antenna is achieved through integrating the array source with the main reflecting face instead of using the traditional horn source. The simulated and measured re- sults demonstrate that the proposed folded reflectarrays have the capability of realizing the large beam scanning angle up to 60° from 4.85 GHz to 5.15 GHz.
Chinese Journal of Radio Science