
饮用水高氟碘对8~10岁儿童血清免疫物质水平的影响 被引量:1

摘要 目的 研究自然条件下,饮水高氟、碘对8-10岁儿童血清白细胞介素21(IL-21)水平及IgM、IgG含量的影响。方法 选择饮水氟〉2.0 mg/L、碘中位数〉150 mg/L自然村8-10岁儿童90名为研究组,饮水氟〈1.0 mg/L、碘中位数50-80 mg/L自然村8-10岁儿童90名为对照组,检测其血液中IL-21水平及IgM、IgG含量。结果 研究组儿童IL-21测定结果范围为432.4-7 790.9 pg/mL,中位数为912.01 pg/mL,对照组测定结果范围为302.3-4 324.8 pg/mL,中位数为588.84 pg/mL,二者差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01);研究组IgM含量1.11-4.02 mg/mL,对照组0.78-3.54 mg/mL,二者差异无统计学意义;研究组IgG含量8.81-19.98 mg/mL,中位数为13.34 mg/mL,对照组7.14-20.46 mg/mL,中位数为12.53 mg/mL,二者差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论 自然状态条件下,饮水高氟、碘时8-10岁儿童IL-21水平明显升高,从而抑制自体免疫水平,致使血清IgG含量明显降低,但对IgM含量尚无明显影响,提示饮水高氟碘将导致8-10岁儿童自体免疫水平降低。 Objective To study the influence for 8-10 years old children levels of serum interleukin 21 (IL-21) and IgM and IgG for high fluoride and iodine in drinking water by natural conditions. Methods Choose water fluoride is greater then 2.0mg/L, iodine median is greater then 150μg/L to their children aged 8-10, 90 in the study group, drinking water fluoride is less then 1.0mg/L, iodine median 50-80μg/L to their children aged 8-10, 90 in the control group, detecting the IL-21 and IgM and IgG levels in their blood. Results The group children IL-21 range is 432.4-7 790.9pg/mL, median is 912.01pg/mL, control children IL-21 range is 302.3-4 324.8pg/mL, median is 588.84pg/mL, both have significant differences (P〈0.01). IgM of research group range is 1.11-4.02mg/mL, control group range is 0.78-3.54mg/mL, no differences. IgG levels of research group range is 8.81-19.98mg/mL, median is 12.53mg/mL, control group range is 7.14-20.46mg/mL, median is 13.34mg/mL, both difference is significant (P〈0.05). Conclusion In natural state, under the condition of high fluoride and iodine in drinking water 8-10 years old children IL-211evels increased significantly, thus inhibiting autoimmune level, content significantly decreased the serum IgG, but there is no obvious influence of IgM content, prompt high fluoride and iodine drinking water will result in children aged 8-10 autoimmune levels drop.
出处 《当代医学》 2016年第30期3-4,共2页 Contemporary Medicine
基金 河南省科技厅攻关课题(142102310390) 河南省科协指导课题(KX10J13)
关键词 水氟 水碘 白细胞介素21 血清IGG 血清IGM Fluoride in drinking water Iodine in drinking water Interleukin 21 IgG in serum IgM in serum
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