The Cretaceous was one of the most remarkable periods in the geological history, with a “greenhouse” climate and several important geological events. Reconstructions of atmospheric CO2 using proxies are crucial for understanding the Cretaceous “greenhouse.” In this paper we summarize the major approaches for reconstructing CO2 based on palaeobotanical or geochemical data, and synthesize the CO2 variations throughout the Cretaceous. The resul ts show that atmospheric CO2 levels remained relatively high throughout the Cretaceous, but were lower in the early Cretaceous, highest in the mid-Cretaceous and gradually declined during the late Cretaceous. However, this overall trend was inter rupted by several rapid changes associated wi th ocean anoxic events (OAEs) and the end-Cretaceous event . New data on paleo-CO2 levels from palaeobotanical and palaeosol evidence support not only the overall trends indicated by geochemical models, but provide more precise records of the shor t- term fluctuations related to brief episodes of climate change. Temporal resolution wi thin the long quiet magnetic period in the middle Cretaceous is one of obstacles preventing us from a more comprehensive understanding of the CO2 climate linkage. But new palaeo-CO2 determinations and climatic data from stratigraphic sections of sediments intercalated with datable volcanic rocks will allow a bet ter understanding of the relationships between fluctuations of atmospheric CO2, climate change, and geological events.
Science and Technology Innovation Herald