
组织损伤修复中的生物力学问题 被引量:4

Biomechanics in tissue injury and repair
摘要 生物力学对损伤组织修复的影响及调控研究方兴未艾。组织修复与再生医学的发展为生物力学的研究提供了新平台,而生物力学则成为推动组织修复与再生医学发展的重要因素。对《医用生物力学》2016年第5期发表的"生物力学与组织修复"专栏论文进行简要的分析、述评,同时对该领域的研究进行回顾和展望。 There is an emerging and continuous interest in research about influence of biomechanics on repair and regulation of tissue injury. The development of tissue repair and regenerative medicine provides a new platform for biomechanical research, and biomechanics plays an important role in promoting the development of tissue re- pair and regenerative medicine. The papers published in special issue of biomechanics and tissue repair in Jour- nal of Medical Biomechanics ( Issue No. 5, 2016) were briefly analyzed and reviewed, and the researches in this field were also reviewed and prospected.
作者 宋关斌 杨力
出处 《医用生物力学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第5期376-378,共3页 Journal of Medical Biomechanics
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(11272365 11032012 11532004)
关键词 生物力学 组织损伤 组织修复 Biomechanics Tissue injury Tissue repair
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