
人工红松林步行虫(Coleoptera:Carabidae)群落物种共存格局动态分析 被引量:3

Co-occurrence pattern dynamics of a Carabidae community in a Pinus koraiensis planted forest
摘要 揭示群落物种共存格局是群落生态学研究的重点内容之一,零模型的应用极大的促进了群落物种共存格局及其调控机制的进展,然而针对地下生物群落共存格局动态特征的研究并不多见。在帽儿山森林生态站的人工红松林内,通过5次调查取样基于零模型模拟分析小尺度空间(20 m×20 m)步行虫群落物种共存格局的动态特征。结果表明:(1)共捕获步行虫20种,2278只个体,其中Carabus billergi maoershanensis为所有调查季节数量最具优势且分布最广泛的物种,步行虫群落结构具明显的时间变异性;(2)2013年6月步行虫群落为集群性共存格局,而2014年8、10月为竞争性共存格局,基于目前的零模型指标和法则难以准确揭示其他月份是集群性还是竞争性的共存格局,但所有季节的群落均表现为明显的非随机性共存格局,这些共存格局的发现并不完全支持Diamond的群落构建机制理论;(3)所有调查季节均发现很少的显著物种对,基于更严格的检验表明群落中集群性物种对多于隔离性物种对,那些表现为显著的非随机性共存关系的物种对往往是群落内数量较大且分布广泛的优势和常见物种。表明非随机性共存格局可能是帽儿山人工红松林小尺度空间步行虫群落的常见格局,这种非随机性格局具一定的短期动态稳定性,但不同季节这种非随机性共存格局类型表现不同,群落内这些较少的显著物种对可能对群落物种共存格局具有一定的贡献。 One of the most important tasks in community ecology is identifying the co-occurrence patterns of the community and identifying the underlying processes that control such patterns. Null model analysis, which has been facilitated by the processes of biodiversity maintenance, has been used to identify the co-occurrence patterns in communities. However, few studies have focused on co-occurrence pattern dynamics of belowground soil communities. In this study, we identify the cooccurrence pattern dynamics of a Carabidae community in a Pinus koraiensis planted forest on a small scale, based on five investigations from June 2013 to October 2014. A plot (20 m × 20 m) was established and further divided into 100 squares of 2 m × 2 m at the Maoer Mountain Ecosystem Research Station of the Northeast Forestry University in Heilongjiang Province, Northeast China. One hundred pitfall traps were set to collect the Carabidae community for each investigation. To determine non-random patterns of species co-existence and significant species pairs in Carabidae communities, the null model was used to generate expected patterns in the absence of species interactions. In total, 20 species and 2278 individuals were captured. Carabus billergi maoershanensis was the most abundant and most widely distributed species among all communities. Carabidae community composition exhibited significant temporal variability among individuals during the experimental period. With the model algorithm of fixed row and column sums, results of the C-score and V-ratio showed that co-occurrence of species in June 2013 was aggregated, a finding that was inconsistent with Diamond's assembly rules. Moreover, with the model algorithm of fixed row sums and probability column sums and considering both algorithms, results of the C-score and V-ratio indicated that co-occurrence patterns of Carabidae communities in August and October 2014 were segregated , which was consistent with Diamond's assembly rules. Although the results of the C-score and co-occurrence patterns of the Carabidae communities in July and September 2013 were aggregated or s V-ratio suggest that egregated based on analysis of the null model, it can be inferred that non-random co-occurrence patterns were detected in all Carabidae communities. Furthermore, based on our observations of the co-occurrence patterns in the Carabidae communities, the Diamond's assembly rules were partly rejected. Few significant species pairs were detected among all Carabidae communities. A greater number of aggregated species pairs were observed in comparison to segregated species pairs among all communities. The species comprising those significant species pairs were dominant or common species, and were comparatively more widely distributed throughout the plot in each season. In addition, the Pianka ( O^k ) indices between those dominant and common species were relatively greater than that observed between other species pairs. The results suggest that those Significant species pairs might also make important contributions to community composition. The present study demonstrated that a non-random co-occurrence pattern might be common in a small-scale Carabidae community in a Pinus koraiensis planted forest. This non-random co-occurrence pattern also showed short-term stability during the study period;however, the properties of the sepatterns vary among the different seasons. The significant species pairs possibly contribute directly to observed community co-occurrence patterns, and more focus should be placed on the contributions of those dominant and common Carabidae species in the future.
出处 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第20期6591-6601,共11页 Acta Ecologica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41471037 41101049 41371072 41430857) 黑龙江省普通本科高等学校青年创新人才培养计划(UNPYSCT-2015054) 哈尔滨师范大学青年学术骨干资助计划项目(KGB201204) 哈尔滨师范大学硕士研究生创新科研项目(HSDSSCX2015-10)
关键词 共存格局 显著物种对 零模型 步行虫 人工红松林 帽儿山 co-occurrence pattern significant species pairs null model Carabidae community Pinus koraiensis Maoer Mountain
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