
某三甲医院老年专科病房护士对缓和医学认知情况的调查分析 被引量:10

Survey on the awareness of “palliative care” of the nurses in the department of geriatric in one third class a hospital in Beijing
摘要 目的总结某三甲综合医院老年专科病房护士对缓和医学知识的掌握情况并根据调查结果分析其影响因素。方法采用问卷调查法对某医院老年专科病房护士210名进行调查。调查问卷是在参考相关文献的基础上自行修改而成。主要涉及调查对象的一般资料、对死亡的态度及照顾终末期患者的经历、对缓和医学的了解情况等。结果发放问卷210份,回收有效问卷194份,有效回收率92.4%。结果显示,仅有24.2%调查对象能很公开和家人讨论死亡,55.7%未参加过死亡教育或临终关怀相关的课程或培训,57.2%的研究对象没有阅读过有关死亡的文章或书籍,仅有27.8%通过毕业后医院的继续教育获得有关死亡或临终关怀的相关知识。29.4%知道缓和医学的概念,94.3%未接受过缓和医学方面的教育培训。结论应加强关于缓和医学的继续教育,采取有效措施促进老年专科病房护士对缓和医学知识的掌握,进而促进缓和医学在老年终末患者中实施以提高患者及家属的生活质量。 Objective To investigate the awareness of the "palliative care" in the Department of Geriatrics. Methods Questionnarie was sent to 210 nurses in the department of geriatrics to investigate their congition of "palliative care". The questionnaire was designed by the investigator of this study. It included 3 parts: (1) their demographic data; (2) attitude toward death, education received about death, and experiences on caring terminal patients; (3) awareness to "palliative care". Results 194 valid questionnaires were recovered out of 210, with the efficiency rate of 92.4%. 24.2% nurses could discuss death openly with their families, 55.7% nurses didn't take any training or courses about death or terminal care and 57.2% nurses hadn't read any books or articles about death. Just 27.8% nurses learnt the knowledge from their working hospital after graduation. 29.4% nurses indicated that they knew the concept of palliative care, but 94.3% nurses hadn't received any education about it. Conclusion Though nurses in geriatric department had a lot of experience on how to take care of terminal patients, their awareness of palliative care is very low. It could be promoted through carrying out continuing education in hospitals, setting up courses in nursing schools and cooperating with many sectors.
作者 武燕燕 张炜 Wu Yanyan Zhang Wei(Medical and Health Center, Beijing Friendship Hospital, Beijing 100050, China)
出处 《北京医学》 CAS 2016年第10期1085-1088,共4页 Beijing Medical Journal
基金 北京市卫生局保健办项目(项目编号为京15-13)
关键词 老年专科病房 护士 缓和医学 死亡态度 department of geriatric nurse death education palliative care
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