通过对吉兰泰盐湖上风向的戈壁、灌木林地表层颗粒空间格局特点及其空间分布特征的研究,揭示该地区的风沙运动规律,对加强相关地区的植被类型及其空间配置格局的防沙效应研究具有重要意义。以乌兰布和沙漠西南边缘的吉兰泰盐湖为试验区,以试验区内戈壁、灌木林地表层颗粒为研究对象,利用样方法和数字图像处理技术,获取地表层不同土壤风蚀颗粒的百分含量,采用经典描述性统计及地统计学方法,分析不同抗风蚀能力颗粒百分含量的小尺度空间特征。结果表明:1 2个样地颗粒越小,空间分布的变异性越大,峰度越尖锐。2裸露戈壁样地内3种风蚀颗粒含量的半方差函数模型均为线性模型,模型决定系数均在0.8以上,分布形态为随机分布,空间相关性中等;灌丛林地内3种风蚀颗粒的分布特征比较复杂,<0.42 mm颗粒的随机因素引起的空间变异大。3由于灌丛对样地内不同风蚀颗粒分布的影响,导致灌丛林地及其周边>0.84 mm的不可蚀颗粒呈聚集分布,空间分布比较强烈。
It is of great importance in reinforcing the study on the vegetation types and the spatial distribution of vegetation against wind-blown sand to research the spatial pattern and distribution of surface soil particles on the Gobi desert and under the shrubbery in the upwind place of Jilantai Salt Lake and to reveal the movement of windblown sand. In this study,the Jilantai Salt Lake in the south margin of the Ulanbuh Desert was selected as the study area to research the soil particles in the Gobi desert and under the shrubbery using the quadrat sampling method and digital image processing technique,the percentages of different wind erosional particles were derived using the classical descriptive statistics and the statistical method,and the spatial distribution of percentage composition of soil particles with different capabilities of anti-wind erosion was analyzed. Results are as follows: 1 Because of the long-term wind erosion,the surface soil particles were coarse,and the smaller the soil particles were,the higher the variability of spatial distribution and the sharper the kurtosis would be; 2 Semivariance of soil particles with different diameters( 〈0. 42 mm,0. 42- 0. 84 mm and 〉0. 84 mm) in the Gebi desert could be fitted with linear model very well,and grazing was also an important cause of leading to the spatial heterogeneity. Semi-variance model coefficient of 〈0. 42 mm soil particles under shrubbery was low,and the spatial heterogeneity was mainly caused by random factors( such as the shrub distribution); 3 Because of the effect of shrubs on sand flow structure,there was an aggregated distribution of 〉0. 84 mm soil particles,but a random distribution of 〈0. 42 mm erodible soil particles. In contrast,the spatial distribution of soil particles under shrubbery was much more complex.
Arid Zone Research
wind erosion
soil particle
digital image technology
spatial heterogeneity
Jilantai Salt Lake