Scientific teaching quality evaluation system and the effective operation mechanism have a positive meaning for promoting teaching reform. Teachers’ specialization is the core of education, and is the starting point and end-result of education reform. Teachers’ professional development has three kinds of orientation rational orientation, reflection-evaluation orientation, and ecological orientation. Some new research suggests that re? ection-evaluation orientation is the best way to improve teachers’ professional abilities. At present, reflective teacher education has become worldwide trend. Compared with experiential teaching, reflective teaching is a sort of positive tool which is used to help teachers conduct their active and professional work. The main purpose of reflective teaching is to allow teachers to reffect on their own work and self-evaluation, and improve their methodology, eventually improve teaching methods and promote student learning. Nevertheless, there are many problems in the teaching quality evaluation system in the aspects of concept, subject, standard, organization, etc. Therefore, we have to reffect and reconstruct the teaching quality evaluation system in colleges and universities.