Objeetive:To investigate five- state characters and coping mode of patients with Graves disease combined wilh hyperthy- roidism,and analyze the correlation between them. Methods:The five- state character scale and Medical Coping Style Question- naire (MCMQ) were adopted to invesligate the GD patients with hyperthy,'oidism. Results:ln terms of the score of face dimen- sions,the patients was significantly higher than thai of the national norm, but the scores of awfidance and viehl were lower than those of the national norm ( P 〈 0.05). )The patients' taiyang and shaoyang personality dimensions were signifieantly higher than those of the national norm ( P 〈 0.05 ). The patients' face dimension was positively correlated with taiyang personality, shaoyang personality,and personality of mild yin-yang, but was negatively correlated with shaoyin personality; Avoidance dimen- sion and shaoyin personality were positively correlated,but negatively eorrelated with personality of ,nihl yin-yang;The yiehl di- mension was negatively related to taiyang personality. Conelusion:GD patients with hyperthyroidism have their own personality characteristies,and coping style has changed,so clinical effective nursing can be based on the characteristics of patients in order to promote the effective lreatment of patients with the disease.
Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine