目的通过统计分析监测数据,客观地反映上海口岸输入性肺结核的现状,为修订输入性传染性肺结核的卫生检疫策略提供依据。方法从上海国际旅行卫生保健信息管理系统中收集2009年1月至2015年12月由上海口岸入境的居住1年及以上接受传染病监测的外籍人口329922名作为监测对象,采集494例影像学检查异常和(或)有肺结核可疑症状者连续3d晨痰,经痰涂片、痰培养后,对分离出的抗酸杆菌进行菌种鉴定,对鉴定为结核分枝杆菌复合群(Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex,MTBC)的菌种进行5种一线抗结核药物[链霉素(Sm)、异烟肼(INH)、利福平(RFP)、乙胺丁醇(EMB)、吡嗪酰胺(PZA)]的药物敏感性试验(简称“药敏试验”)。采用SPSS16.0统计软件进行数据的统计分析,对疑诊为活动性肺结核患者的报告率、MTBC培养阳性率、MTBC对5种一线抗结核药物耐药率的比较采用χ^2检验,以P〈0.05为差异有统计学意义。结果2009年1月至2015年12月上海口岸入境监测的外籍人口中,疑诊为活动性肺结核患者共计494例,报告率为150/10万(494/329922);经细菌学检测,MTBC培养阳性率为27/10万(88/329922),均低于我国第五次肺结核流行病学调查相关数据水平(459/10万,119/10万)。但本研究疑诊为活动性肺结核患者的报告率和MTBC培养阳性率呈逐年(2009-2015年)上升的趋势,升幅分别为(184%,40%)。耐多药肺结核(muhidrug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis,MDR-TB)占8.5%(7/82),与我国第五次肺结核流行病学调查数据(6.8%)基本相符,差异无统计学意义(χ^21.101,P=0.294);耐药顺位为INH(20.7%,17/82)、Sm(18.3%,15/82)、PZA(15.9%,13/82)、EMB(11.0%,9/82)、RFP(8.5%,7/82),我国第五次肺结核流行病学抽样调查的耐药率顺位为INH(28.6%)、Sin(19.6%)、RFP(8.9%)、EMB(6.8%)、PZA(-)。MTBC对各类抗结核药物耐药率比较,差异无统计学意义(XINH^2=1.987,P=0.159;XSm^2=0.074,P=0.785;XRFP^2=0.012,P=0.912;XEMB^2=1.560,P=0.212)。结论2009年1月至2015年12月上海口岸输入性疑似肺结核患者报告率、MTBC培养阳性率呈上升趋势。输入性结核病的耐药水平接近我国第五次结核病流行病学调查水平。
Objective To analyze the data of sputum examination for Chinese Visa Applicants at Shanghai port, helping to provide the objective data of foreign applicants with tuberculosis for Chinese tuberculosis surveil- lance system. Methods Morning sputum specimens of 494 cases of 329 922 foreign applicants entrying by Shang- hai port between January 2009 and December 2015 were collected for 3 consecutive days for acid-fast smear and cul- ture of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. All of them were going to live in Shanghai over 1 year, and with suspicious active tuberculosis performance on chest X-ray and/or other symptoms. The isolated Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) strains were subjected for drug susceptibility testing (streptomycin, isoniazid, rifampin, ethambutol, and pyrazinamide). χ^2 test was used to analyze suspicious active tuberculosis incidence rate, MTBC positive rate and to- tal MTBC resistant rate by SPSS 16.0 software, P〈0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results Of thesample, 494 applicants were with suspicious active tuberculosis, the report rate was 150/100 000 (494/329 922); and MTBC positive rate was 27/100 000 (88/329 922), both the above two rates were lower than those of the 5th epidemiological survey of pulmonary tuberculosis in China (459/100 000, 119/100 000). Suspicious active tuberculo- sis incidence rate and MTBC positive rate of foreign applicants showed their rising trends annually, which were 184% and 40% respectively. Compared to data of the 5th epidemiological survey of pulmonary tuberculosis in Chi- na, multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) rate of foreign applicants, which was 8.5% (7/82), showed no significant difference (6.8~ vs. 8.5 %, χ^2= 1. 101,P=0. 294); so was the order of drug resistant rate (isoniazid, 20.70../00 vs. 28.6%, streptomycin 18.3% vs. 19.6%, pyrazinamide 15.9% vs. (--), ethambutol 11.0% vs. 2 -- 6.8%, rifampin 8. 5% vs. 8.9%) and drug resistant rates of anti-tuberculosis drugs (χ^2 INH =1. 987, P= 0. 159; χ^2=0.074, P=0.785; χ^2 RFP=0.012, P=0.912; χ^2B=1.560, P=0.212). Conclusion Suspicious active tu- berculosis incidence rate and MTBC positive rate of foreign applicants were rising between January 2009 and Decem- ber 2015. Drug-resistant tuberculosis rate of foreign applicants in Shanghai was close to that of the 5th epidemiologi- cal survey of pulmonary tuberculosis in China.
Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Health
Tuberculosis, pulmonary
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Population surveillance
Interpreta-tion, statistical