目的将临床路径(clinical pathway,CP)理念引入泌尿外科临床教学工作中,以提高泌尿外科学临床教学质量。方法选取临床五年制本科实习生60人为研究对象,并随机分为两组。CP组围绕CP文本提出问题,解决问题,最后由带教教师根据CP诊疗过程中出现的问题与不足进行讨论与总结。传统教学组根据教学大纲要求,对疾病进行系统介绍,并对合适病例进行问诊及查体,4周后应用临床技能操作、笔试成绩以及满意度调查等综合指标评估不同教学方法的效果。操作、笔试成绩采用独立样本t检验,满意度调查采用卡方检验。结果CP组出科考试成绩[(88.1±4.5)vs.(73.0±7.3)]、临床技能操作成绩[(88.1±4.5)vs.(73.0±7.3)],对自己综合能力[疾病了解(P=-0.028)、团队合作能力(P=0.0.15)、沟通能力(P=-0.007)等]提升评价,以及教师对于教学完成度、教学技能提高的综合评价:均优于传统教学组。结论CP教学应用于泌尿外科临床教学有利于提高临床教学质量,增强临床实习医生的综合能力,提高教学满意度。
Objective To evaluate the effectiveness and to access the feasibility in reinforcing the quality of clinical teaching by introducing the conception of clinical pathway (CP) to the course of urology. Methods Sixty clinical medical students were randomly divided into two groups called CP group and tra- ditional group. The CP group's interns were provided with CP text which was considered as the core of the whole learning process. The interns would find the problems and solve problems according to the content of CP text. At last the teachers would summarize. Traditional group's teachers would introduce the disease systematically according to the teaching syllabus and screening suitable cases for interns to inquiry and have a physical examination. The two groups were evaluated systematically after four weeks of different teaching methods which concluded physical examination and written examination. An independent sample t test was used for the result of the operation and the written test and chi square test was used for satisfaction survey. Results The clinical pathway group's after-department examination score [(88.1 ± 4.5) vs. (73.0 ± 7.3)], clinical skill scores [(88.1 ± 4.5) vs. (73.0 ± 7.3)] and the undergraduate interns' understanding of their comprehensive ability of disease (P=0.028) such as their team cooperation ability, their communication ability (P=0.0.15), (P=0.007) analysis and their ability to treat disease, as well as improving the evaluation ability and their comprehensive evaluation of teachers' teaching completion degree and teaching skills, , are all better than the traditional teaching group. Conclusion CP teaching applied in clinical teaching of urol- ogy is conducive to improving the quality of clinical teaching, and can enhance clinical interns' comprehen-sive ability and improve teaching satisfaction.
Chinese Journal of Medical Education Research
Clinical pathway
Clinical teaching