
A Study on Cultivating Top Students in College English Flipped Classroom

A Study on Cultivating Top Students in College English Flipped Classroom
摘要 Researches on flipped classroom are capturing much attention.This study is conducted among top students with the purpose of confirming the effect of flipped classroom.It found that the flipped classroom does not refer to learning by themselves,even though objects are top students,the teachers are supposed to participate much more in the learning process than they do in the conventional class.It is concluded that top students can benefit a lot from flipped classroom with learning efficiency and interest improved,yet still under the guidance of teachers.Learning motive is not strengthened obviously.Some reflections on teaching are offered afterwards. Researches on flipped classroom are capturing much attention. This study is conducted among top students with the purpose of confirming the effect of flipped classroom. It found that the flipped classroom does not re- fer to learning by themselves, even though objects are top students, the teachers are supposed to participate much more in the learning process than they do in the conventional class. It is concluded that top students can benefit a lot from flipped classroom with learning efficiency and interest improved, yet still under the guidance of teachers. Learning motive is not strengthened obviously. Some reflections on teaching are offered after- wards.
作者 柯细香
机构地区 武汉纺织大学
出处 《疯狂英语(理论版)》 2016年第4期97-99,共3页 Crazy English Pro
基金 researches of 2016 Teaching and Research Project for Wuhan Textile University(The Project Number:201605086/2016JY086)
关键词 flipped classroom autonomous learning top students college English flipped classroom autonomous learning top students college English
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