The secondaryfold in the south rim of the Sigou-Yintongliang anticline was well developed, and 4 secondary folds was primarily identified, from North to South, as secondary overturned syncline in the north branch, secondary anticline in the north branch, secondary syncline in the north branch and the secondary closed anticline in the south branch. The Sigou Pb-Zn deposit lies in the south rim of the secondary closed anticline of the south branch, is typically controlled by anticline dipped westward, with prospecting potential in the west area. The folding was well developed in this area, and the control- ling secondary closed folding in the south branch is tight, narrow in width and low in height relatively and difficult to identi- fy and to prospectthe deep deposit. The chance to accuratelyfind out secondary closed anticline orebodyin the south branch is small by normal explore drilling. The keys to control deep prospecting are accurate judging and predicting for the position of the deep anticline, and advancing to the deep along the dipping direction of the orebody with small steps from the known anticline.
Gansu Metallurgy
secondary closed Anticline in the south branch
anticline controlled orebody
Sigou lead-zinc deposit