
《林海雪原》中姓名称谓语的英译特征研究——以《中国文学》中沙博理英译文为例 被引量:4

On Chinese-English Translation Characteristics of Name Address Terms in Tracks in the Snowy Forest:A Case Study on Shapiro's English Translation in Chinese Literature
摘要 采用了《中国文学》中翻译家沙博理的节选译本(3~8章),借助平行语料库,通过定性与定量相结合的方法,对两个文本进行详细的对比与分析,深入探究了小说《林海雪原》中姓名称谓语的英译特征,认为沙博理在处理姓名称谓语的翻译时呈现出两种倾向,对于重塑人物形象、显示人物关系、深化小说主旨产生了一定的影响。 tThe translation features of the n ame a d d re s s te rms in T ra cks Fo the Sno arestudied , based on the Engl ish version ( chapter 3 -8) o f th e t r a n s la to r S id n e y S h a p i ro in C h in e s e literature . With the aid of paral lel cor por a , a d e ta i le d c o n t ra s t a n d a n a ly s is o f tthrough the combination of qual i tat ive a n d quant i tat ive me th o d . T h e s tu d y s h o w s th a t S id n e y S h a p iro presents two tendencies in deal ing wi t h the t r anslat ion o f n am e a d d re s s te rms in Tracks in t^he Snowy F orest , which have certain ef fects o n re s haping th e c h a ra c te r s’ ima g e s , d is p la y in g c h a ra c te r s’ relations , deepening the novel theme .
出处 《沈阳大学学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第1期75-79,共5页 Journal of Shenyang University:Social Science
基金 国家社会科学基金资助项目(13BYY038)
关键词 林海雪原 沙博理 姓名称谓语 英译 Tracks in If tre h^nowy e 〇restpSid n e y Sh a p i r o n am e a d d re s s t e rms t r a n s la t
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