寻求一条有效防治水土流失 ,提高土地生产潜力、防止水库淤积的坡地利用改良途径 ,是三峡库区环境、资源、研究人员和经济建设者努力的方向。采用坡地植物篱农业技术 ,则是实现上述目标的有效途径。中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所在秭归县的试验表明 ,7a的植物篱 ,篱坎高度几乎都在 90cm以上 ,坡度从 3 0°~ 3 4°减缓至 15°~ 18° ,表层土壤有机质含量从 0 .9%增至 1.61%以上 ,篱间脐橙的产量高于同类石坎梯田脐橙产量约 2 0 %以上 ,高于旱坡地上的脐橙产量约 2 5 %以上 ,达到完全防治土壤侵蚀 ,提高土壤肥力 ,增加农业产量目的 。
Preventing water erosion,improving land productivity and minimizing deposition in the Three Gorges reservoir area are the main targets that the constructors are working for in environment resource economy constructions and in slopping land utilization.The application of plant hedge rows is an effective way to realize these targets.It was shown in the experiments in Zigui County,by the Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,that such technique has the ability to effectively control erosion and to improve soil fertility and crop yields.The 7 years old plants in the hedge row are above 90 cm high.At this time,the slope gradient can be reduced from 30°~34° to 15°~18°.The contents of organic matters can be increased to 1.61% from 0.9%.The yields of orange on the terraced farmlands between hedge rows are higher by 20% than those on the terraced land without hedge rows.The yields are 25% higher than those on the rainfed slopping lands.The technique can by widely extended in the area.
Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin
国家自然科学基金重点项目"中国东部典型区坡地过程及其利用改良研究"(批准号 492 310 2 0 )