利用聚合酶链式反应(PCR)扩增整合酶基因intⅠ检测沙门菌中Ⅰ类整合子携带率及可变区耐药基因盒并从β-内酰胺类、磺胺类、氨基糖苷类、喹诺酮类和酰胺醇类等5类抗生素的15种耐药基因进行检测,微量肉汤稀释法(MIC法)测定菌株对8类13种抗菌药的敏感程度。结果显示:肉鸡屠宰加工生产链中分离的沙门菌共检测12种耐药基因,未检测到β-内酰胺类的blaoxA-1group、blapse-1、四环素类的tetB和tet X基因。其中,以耐药基因catⅠ的检出率最高,87%(59/68);其次是tet G,检测率是85%(58/68);blatem耐药基因69%(47/68)。69%(47/68)的沙门菌检测出第Ⅰ类整合子。PCR扩增Ⅰ类整合子耐药基因盒,检测率为73%(35/47),扩增产物大小为1 009,1 664bp,携带aadA5、dfrl7和aadA2耐药基因,可分别介导对氨基糖苷类抗生素壮观霉素、链霉素和磺胺类药物甲氧苄氨嘧啶的耐药。68株菌中对AM的耐药率最高,多重耐药(≥2)菌株高达85%。结果表明:肉鸡屠宰加工生产链中沙门菌检测到较高的耐药基因及整合子携带率,对常见抗生素具有不同程度的耐药性,且耐药基因在耐药药敏试验结果与耐药基因的检测结果具有一致性。
The drug resistance genes, the distribution of class I integron and the structure se- quences of drug resistance gene cassette from Salmonela isolated from broiler slaughter production chain were analyzed. The class I integron and drug resistance gene cassette were detected through the int 1 gene amplification by PCR. And 15 kinds of resistance genes were detected from the beta amides, sulfonamides,arninoglyeosides, quinolones and amide alcohols. The sensitivity to 13 kinds of antimicrobial agents was determined by broth dilution method (MIC method). A total of 12 drug resistance genes were detected in chicken slaughter and processing production chain, and the blaoxA-lgroup,blapse-l,tetB,tetX gene were not detected. The detection rate was cat I (87Y00), tetG (85%) and blatem (69%). 69% of Salmonella were positive for class I integron. The detec- ted rate of class I integron drug resistance cassettes by PCR was 73 %, and the product length was 1 009 bp and 1 664 bp. In the drug resistance cassettes of variable regions of class I integronsthere were 3 types drug resistance genes, including aadA5,dfr17 and aadA2, which induced the re- sistance to aminoglycosides antibiotics spectinomycin,streptomycin and sulfonamides drugs trime- thoprim. 68 strains resistant to AM was the highest, multi drug resistant strains (more than 2) were up to 85%. High multidrug resistance and class I integron carrying were identified among the Salmonella from broiler slaughter production chain. These results implied that the isolated Salmonella resistant to common antibiotics were different from each other. Antimicrobial pheno types of Salmonella isolates were consistent with their genotypes.
Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science
class I integron
resistance gene cassette
drug resistance gene