

On extraterritorial jurisdiction and coordination of Anti-monopoly Law
摘要 随着经济全球化的发展,跨国贸易竞争日益激烈,为挫败竞争对手采用各种垄断市场交易的行为变得越来越隐蔽。我国反垄断法域外适用方面的司法实践相对比较匮乏,法学界和司法实务界一直不断地关注研究如何完善我国反垄断法,如何应对外国反垄断法域外适用等问题。随着中外国际贸易的规模不断扩大,中国市场主体在不断走出去的同时,也不断受到外国反垄断法的阻碍和制裁,中国维生素C企业在美国遭遇的反垄断调查并最终败诉便是其中典型一例,再次引起了国内学界和实务界对该问题的关注。一方面,我们如何应对外国反垄断法的适用,以保护国内市场主体在海外的合法权益;另一方面,面对国外企业垄断行为,如何不断完善我国反垄断法,为国内市场经济秩序稳健运行保驾护航。 With the development of economic globalization, the competi-tion of transnational trade becomes more and more intense, and the be-havior of using monopolistic market transactions to defeat competitors becomes more and more obscure. China's judicial practice of extraterrito-rial application of anti-monopoly law is relatively scarce ,jurisprudence and judicial practice has been constantly concerned about how to improve our anti-monopoly law, how to deal with extraterritorial application of foreign anti-monopoly law and other issues. With the constant expansion of the scale of international trade in China and abroad,China's market players continue to go out,but also continue to be blocked and punished by foreign anti-monopoly law. China's vitamin C enterprises suffered an anti-monopoly investigation in the United States and eventually lost is one of the typical cases, once again aroused the concern of domestic aca-demia and practitioners on the issue. On the one hand, how to deal with the applica- tion of foreign anti-monopoly law,in order to protect the le-gitimate rights and interests of the domestic market players in the over-seas market;on the other hand, facing with the foreign monopoly activi-ties, how to continu- ously improve our anti-monopoly law to protect the stable operation of the economic order in domestic market.
作者 左银刚
机构地区 济南大学
出处 《辽宁公安司法管理干部学院学报》 2017年第1期84-88,共5页 Journal of Liaoning Administrators College of Police and Justice
基金 山东省法学会一般性课题"依法治国形势下中国区际司法协助研究"[编号:SLS(2015)G54]阶段性研究成果
关键词 效果原则 阻碍性立法 双边合作与协调 effect principle obstructive legislation bilateral cooperation and coordination
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