

Event Order-goal-dependency of Emergence of Unconscious Thinking Results
摘要 为考察个体多目标任务决策过程中无意识思维结果浮现的事序目标依赖性,以室友、手机和公寓选择为复杂决策目标任务,考察了被试(110人)在"不同事态紧急度""任务完成顺序"条件下无意识思维效应。结果发现:(1)在多目标任务条件下,"最紧急"组无意识思维成绩显著优于"一般紧急"和"最不紧急"组,"一般紧急"组显著优于"最不紧急"组,显示当同时拥有多个加工目标任务时,个体无意识思维能根据事序目标按序完成任务;(2)完成目标任务的顺序(即呈现无意识思维结果的实验顺序)不影响事态紧急度顺序对无意识思维结果浮现顺序的引导作用。上述结果支持无意识思维结果浮现的灵活性和自主控制性假设。 This study aimed to investigate the event order-goal-dependency of the emergence of unconscious thinking results during the decision-making process of the mtdti-target tasks. Roommates, mobile phones and apartments were selected as complex target tasks in the decision-making to survey 110 participants' unconscious thinking effects under the condition of "emergency degree of situations" and "Task completion order". The results showed that, in the case of multi-target tasks, the performance of "the most urgent" group's unconscious thought was significantly better than that of both "medium urgent" group and "the least urgent" group, while the "medium urgent" group significantly better than "the least urgent" group, indicating that, when multi-target tasks are emerging simultaneously, individuals' unconscious thought can complete the task in the order of event goal; and that ask completion order (i.e. the experimental order to demonstrate unconscious thought results) had no affect on the emergency degree of situations regulating the order of the emergence of unconscious thought results. These findings support the hypothesis that the emergence of unconscious thought results is both flexible and self-controlled.
出处 《宁波大学学报(教育科学版)》 2017年第2期7-10,共4页 Journal of Ningbo University(Educational Science Edition)
关键词 无意识思维 多目标任务 事态紧急度 浮现 unconscious thought multi-target task emergency of situation emergence
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