针对传统中央空调系统通过RS485总线传输方式带来的数量限制、通讯距离、响应速度等问题,设计一种新型中央空调控制系统,系统中的新型温控器通过Modbus/TCP传输数据。并且设计Modbus/TCP网关,将旧有的基于RS485总线和Modbus/RTU传输数据的温控器连接到新系统中。新型温控器和网关运行于μC/OS-Ⅲ和Lw IP基础上。此系统充分利用旧有的温控器和总线资源,解决了设备数量限制、响应延迟大、通讯距离和速度问题。经过测试,新型温控器通信正常,网关工作性能稳定。
The traditional central air conditioning system transfers data by RS485 and causes some problems such as increase of interference, bad adaptive control and short communication distance, a new type of central air conditioning control system is designed, the system's new thermostat transmits data via Modbus/TCP. Modbus/TCP gateway is designed by this way, the old temperature controller based on RS485 bus characteristics and Modbus/RTU transmission will be able to connected to the new conrtol system. Besides, the new thermostat and Modbus/TCP gateway is based on μC/OS-Ⅲ and LwlP. This system makes full use of the existing temperature control device and bus resources ,and it solves the limit of the number of devices, system response delay, short communication distance and low speed problem. After a long time test, new thermostat and Modbus/TCP gateway servers meet in communications, the working state of the gateway is stable and reliable.
Chinese Journal of Electron Devices