目的:探讨择期行肺叶切除术的早期非小细胞肺癌病人发生术后慢性疼痛的影响因素。方法:入组112名择期行肺叶切除术的早期非小细胞肺癌病人,记录他们的一般资料,数字疼痛量表(numeric rating scale,NRS)评分,医院焦虑抑郁量表(hospital anxiety and depression Scale,HADs)评分,压痛阈值,明确术后慢性疼痛的发生率,应用Logistic回归分析术后慢性疼痛的影响因素。结果:112例病人中,发生慢性疼痛的病人46例,未发生慢性疼痛的病人66例。术后慢性疼痛的危险因素为术前焦虑(OR=5.610,95%CI:1.811-17.377),患糖尿病(OR=3.825,95%CI:1.106-13.234)。文化程度高的病人术后慢性疼痛的发病率低(OR=0.655,95%CI:0.466-0.920)。结论:术前焦虑或合并糖尿病是术后慢性疼痛发生的危险因素,受教育程度高可降低术后慢性疼痛的发生。
Objective: To investigate the influence factors of postoperative chronic pain in non-small cell lung cancer patients. Methods: Totally 112 patients underwent thoracotomy or video-assisted thoracotomy were enrolled. The incidence was obtained from postoperative follow-ups. According to numeric rating scale (NRS) in 3rd month, patients were divided into chronic pain group and non-pain group. Relevant medical-surgical data were retrieved from patients'hospital records, Occurrence of anxiety or depression was investigated with hospital anxiety and depression scale(HADS), pain pressure threshold were collected to analyze influence factors. Results: 46 patients were definitely identified as chronic pain among 112 patients. Multiple regression analysis showed that chronic pain was associated with anxiety before surgery (OR=5.610,95% CI: 1.811-17.377) and diabetes (OR=3.825, 95% CI: 1.106-13.234). Besides, patients with higher education ( OR=0.397, 95% CI: 0.221-0.714 ) has lower incidence of chronic pain. Conclusion: Anxiety before surgery and diabetes are risk factors of chronic pain. Higher education could reduce the incidence of chronic pain.
Chinese Journal of Pain Medicine