
基于PBL的“三明治”教学法在浙江中医药大学外科实验教学的应用 被引量:3

Application of PBL-based “Sandwich”Methodology in the Experimental Teaching of Surgery
摘要 [目的]探索基于问题式教学(problem based learningw,PBL)的"三明治"教学法在外科实验教学中的应用效果和学生的接受程度。[方法]该教学法对目标概念和操作预设为若干问题:1)简短讲明重要性,先行多媒体播放、教师针对关键点进行讲解;2)其后带教老师亲自示范、学生实际操练;3)最后由学生自定评审组和测试组考核和教师讲评。问题提出与阐述—示范与操练—自评与他评这三者构成"三明治"教学法。将2011级2012级(4年级外科教学时)中医学专业(五年制、七年制)、针推专业的共计213位学生按自然班级上课情况纳入,分为三明治教学法组110人和传统教学法103人,分别于课程结束后、临床实习前进行考核。[结果]课程结束后:三明治教学法,一次性考核合格率达到94.55%,传统教学法,一次性考核合格率90.29%,差异无统计学意义(P>0.5);临床实习前考核:三明治教学法,一次性考核合格率为45.45%,传统教学法,一次性考核合格率仅20.39%,两者教学效果差异有统计学意义(P<0.5)。[结论]"三明治"教学法在外科学教学中,中长期技能掌握效果优于传统教学法,接受度也更好。 [Aim] To evaluate the efficiency of using PBL-based "sandwich"teaching method in the experimental teaching of surgery, and to learn the students' responses to and gain from this method.[Methods] According to the rationale of "sandwich"methodology, we divided the experiment into three stages. First, we emphasized importance of the course to be learned and introduced briefly the key knowledge points. This was done by using multimedia.Second, teacher demonstrated operation to students, and then recorded videos while students practiced. Third, students were allowed to select by themselves the persons for evaluating their operation and then the tutor corrected them. A total of 213 students received this experiment, who were in the fifth and fourth grade(in five-year and seven-year system) majoring in Traditional Chinese Medicine or Acupuncture and Tuina Science. They were divided into two groups,the "sandwich"teaching group and traditional teaching group. The teaching efficiency was evaluated based on the asepsis exam at the end of the course and before the clinical practice. [Results] As the course ended, 94.55% and 90.29% of students passed exam in the "sandwich"and traditional teaching groups,respectively, without significant difference with each other. However, when the test was given before clinical practice, 45.45% of the students in"sandwich"teaching group passed the exam, whereas it was only 20.39% in the traditional teaching group. [Conclusion] In the mid and long term, "sandwich"teaching method would work much better than traditional teaching method. There were several reasons responsible for such a difference. The most important may be that, during the "sandwich"teaching some abstract knowledge and operation procedure had been made much clearer to students through the use of multimedia as well as teachers' demonstration. Also, the self-evaluation and judgement had made the learning more interesting and hopefully had increased their responsibility in learning and practice.
出处 《浙江中医药大学学报》 CAS 2017年第4期342-344,共3页 Journal of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University
基金 浙江省教育厅2013课堂教学改革课题(721100G00507)~~
关键词 PBL 外科实验教学 三明治教学法 传统教学法 problem based learning experimental teaching of surgery teaching method of"sandwich" traditional teaching method
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