目的探讨组织激肽释放酶1(KLK1)诱导大鼠骨髓间充质干细胞(BMSCs)向心肌样细胞分化的影响。方法选取2015年3—7月购买的大鼠BMSCs,将大鼠BMSC细胞分为3组即正常组、组织激肽释放酶1组、5-Aza组。采用RT-PCR分别对诱导培养后的大鼠BMSCs进行心肌细胞特异性蛋白Actin、c-Tn I和Desmin的检测,并用Western blot免疫印迹分析c-Tn T蛋白表达量。结果 RT-PCR检测显示,5-Aza诱导的BMSCs(1.964±0.805)在心肌特异性蛋白Actin RNA、c-Tn I RNA和Desmin RNA的表达均高于空白组(1.000±0.000)(P<0.05),KLK1诱导组(2.633±0.582)以上蛋白的RNA表达量又显著高于5-Aza诱导组(P<0.05)。Western blot结果显示,5-Aza诱导组c-Tn T蛋白的表达(0.799±0.101)高于空白组(0.112±0.001)(P<0.001),KLK1诱导组(1.294±0.134)显著高于5-Aza组。差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。结论 5-Aza能有效使BMSCs向心肌样细胞诱导分化,KLK1也能诱导BMSCs向心肌样细胞分化。KLK1较5-Aza诱导的BMSCs在心肌细胞特异性蛋白RNA表达,心肌特异性蛋白T表达其心肌特异性更为突出。
[Abstract] Objective To study on effect of ex p res sion vector with KLK1 in d u c in g th e BMSCs c a rd ia c - l ik e ce l l d if fe re n t ia -tion. Methods Select th e ra t BMSC ce lls from March to July 2 01 5 were d iv id ed into th e normal group, KLK1 group an d 5- Aza group, and the rat BMSCs cells were tes ted by the cardiac cel l specif ic protein Act in, c-TnI and Desmin by the RT- PCR, and the c-TnT protein expres sion level was analyzed by the Western blot immunoblotting. Results T he R T -P C R te s t showed that the expres sion of BMSCs induced by 5-Aza in the myocardial marker protein Act in RNA, c-TnI RNA andDesmin RNA was higher than that in the blank group[ (1.964±0.805) vs (1.000±0.000)](P〈0.05), and the RNA expression level of proteins above the (2.633±0.582) in the KLK1 induct ion group was obviously higher than that in the 5-Aza induc-tion group (P 〈 0 .0 5 ) , an d th e W e s te rn blot re su lts showed th a t th e c -T n T pro tein ex p res sion leve l in th e 5 -A z a in -d uc tio n group was h ig he r th an th a t in th e b lan k group,[ (0 .7 9 9± 0 .1 0 1 ) vs (0 .1 1 2 ± 0 .0 0 1 ) ] (P 〈 0 .0 0 1 ) , an d th e d if-fe ren c e s had s ta t is t ic a l sign if ic an ce . Conclusion 5 -Aza c a n effectively m ake th e BMSCs c a rd ia c - l ik e ce l l differ-entiat ion, KLKlalso can induce the BMSCs cardiac-like cel l different iation, and the cardiac- speci f ici ty of KLK1 in the BM- SCs induced by the KLK1 cardiac cel l specif ic protein RNA expres sion and myocardial marker protein T expres sion is more prominent than induced by the 5-Aza.
China & Foreign Medical Treatment
Cardiac mu sc le cell
Bone marrow derived mesen ch ymal stem cell
T is su e k a l l ik re in l