目的探讨老年甲状腺特别肿大、身患多种基础病、颈部压迫症状严重、结节性甲状腺肿患者的诊断与治疗问题。方法患者禁碘、停用抗甲状腺药物3~4周,检查甲状腺功能和显像、气管软化试验等,计划给予^(131)I化钠口服溶液剂量为一次口服740~3700MBq(20~100mCi),观察患者甲状腺质量和症状改善情况。结果治疗前2个月甲状腺显像质量由179g增加至244g;治疗后3个月复查甲状腺明显缩小,甲状腺质量为174g(与治疗前甲状腺质量244g比较,μ=3.424>2.58,P<0.01),颈部压迫症状如呼吸、吞咽困难明显改善。结论 ^(131)I治疗难治性甲状腺肿,对缩小甲状腺体积、消除颈部压迫症状有一定的疗效,对不能或不愿手术治疗的老年患者缓解病情、改善生活质量有一定的作用。
Objective To explore the treatments of elderly patitents with special thyroid enlargement, suffering from a variety of underlying diseases, severe cervical compression symptoms, and nodular goiter. Methods Iodine (lack of sentence here), 131I sodium oral solution was given as an oral dose of 740 - 3700MBq (20 100mCi), then made the observation of thyroid function and imaging, tracheal softening test, etc. Results Thyroid quality increased from 179 g to 244 g 2 months before treatment. Thyroid gland mass was reduced to 174 g after 3 months of treatment ( μ=3. 424 〉2.58, P 〈0.01 compared with 244 g before treatment) The difference is significant, Also, the neck compression symptoms such as breathing, dysphagia significantly improved. Conclusion 131I treatment of refractory goiter can reduce the thyroid volume, eliminate the symptoms of cervical compression, especially for elderly patients who can not or do not want to surgery, this treatment can alleviate the condition, improve the quality of life.
Labeled Immunoassays and Clinical Medicine