
Novel Apriori-Based Multi-Label Learning Algorithm by Exploiting Coupled Label Relationship 被引量:1

Novel Apriori-Based Multi-Label Learning Algorithm by Exploiting Coupled Label Relationship
摘要 It is a key challenge to exploit the label coupling relationship in multi-label classification(MLC)problems.Most previous work focused on label pairwise relations,in which generally only global statistical information is used to analyze the coupled label relationship.In this work,firstly Bayesian and hypothesis testing methods are applied to predict the label set size of testing samples within their k nearest neighbor samples,which combines global and local statistical information,and then apriori algorithm is used to mine the label coupling relationship among multiple labels rather than pairwise labels,which can exploit the label coupling relations more accurately and comprehensively.The experimental results on text,biology and audio datasets shown that,compared with the state-of-the-art algorithm,the proposed algorithm can obtain better performance on 5 common criteria. It is a key challenge to exploit the label coupling relationship in multi-label classification(MLC)problems.Most previous work focused on label pairwise relations,in which generally only global statistical information is used to analyze the coupled label relationship.In this work,firstly Bayesian and hypothesis testing methods are applied to predict the label set size of testing samples within their k nearest neighbor samples,which combines global and local statistical information,and then apriori algorithm is used to mine the label coupling relationship among multiple labels rather than pairwise labels,which can exploit the label coupling relations more accurately and comprehensively.The experimental results on text,biology and audio datasets shown that,compared with the state-of-the-art algorithm,the proposed algorithm can obtain better performance on 5 common criteria.
出处 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 2017年第2期206-214,共9页 北京理工大学学报(英文版)
基金 Supported by Australian Research Council Discovery(DP130102691) the National Science Foundation of China(61302157) China National 863 Project(2012AA12A308) China Pre-research Project of Nuclear Industry(FZ1402-08)
关键词 multi-label classification hypothesis testing k nearest neighbor apriori algorithm label coupling multi-label classification hypothesis testing k nearest neighbor apriori algorithm label coupling
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