
人类胚胎基因编辑技术的伦理剖析 被引量:4

An ethical analysis of gene-editing of human embryos
摘要 从人类胚胎基因编辑技术的伦理争议入手,搜集、鉴别、整理论文、文献、专著来研究伦理争议背后的深层次原因,寻求解决争议的办法。结果发现,利用这类基因技术治疗各种遗传性疾病,是可以得到伦理辩护的,但是在促进新技术发展的同时应当把技术对人类带来的反作用降到最低限度。面对这一新兴技术,需要倡导平等对话。通过对话的方式达成道德共识,并在道德共识的基础上制定相关法律政策。人类胚胎基因编辑的研究应该在法律政策的指引下积极开展。 This article aimed to focus on the disputes of gene-editing of human embryos,analyze the reasons and make a reasonable defense of the controversies. In order to find out the solution of the problem,the author researched the deep reasons behind the ethical disputes by collecting the papers ,identifying the documents, and organizing the monographs. As far as the author concerned, the use of gene technologies to treat all kinds of genetic diseases can be defended ethically. However,the reaction of technology to mankind should be reduced to a minimum while developing the new technology. Facing the emerging technology,the equal dialogues should be proposed finally. A moral consensus can be reached through the way of dialogue. The relevant legal policies need to be formulated on the basis of moral consensus. Scientists should carry out the researches actively under the guidance of legal policy.
作者 马小川 王建光 Ma Xiaochuan Wang Jianguang(College of Politics, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China)
出处 《南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第3期218-222,共5页 Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)
关键词 人类胚胎 基因编辑 知情同意 human embryos gene-editing informed consent
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