
杭州湾庵东滨岸潮间带现代沉积物中的生物遗迹特征 被引量:3

Characteristic of Biogenic Traces in the Modern Sediments of Intertidal Flat in Andong Area,Hangzhou Bay
摘要 杭州湾庵东滨岸潮间带软底质沉积中发现的造迹动物有泥螺、珠带拟蟹守螺、弹涂鱼、宁波泥蟹、沙蚕、竹蛏、虹光亮樱蛤、海葵以及鸟类和植物等,包括软体动物、节肢动物、环节动物、脊索动物、腔肠动物等5个动物门类,共计8属,营造的生物遗迹主要有运动迹(爬迹、拖迹、足辙迹)、居住迹、觅食迹(进食迹)、生殖迹、停息迹、排泄迹、逃逸迹以及鸟类足迹和植物根迹等。分析表明潮间带不同的沉积环境,造迹生物及其遗迹的主要类型、空间分布、丰度、多样性具有明显的差异。1)研究区潮间带不同的沉积环境,造迹生物种类与分布不同,其遗迹的主要类型和分布特征具有明显的差异性,高潮区沉积物主要是富含有机质的砂质泥,生物遗迹包括珠带拟蟹守螺拖迹、停息迹和生殖迹,泥螺拖迹和停息迹,宁波泥蟹的觅食迹、居住迹和足辙迹,沙蚕的拖迹、觅食迹、居住迹和排泄迹,弹涂鱼的爬行迹和居住迹,以及鸟类足迹和植物根迹,其中层面遗迹以珠带拟蟹守螺的拖迹、沙蚕拖迹和觅食迹丰度最高,层内遗迹以沙蚕居住潜穴丰度最高,分布面积最广,扰动程度强烈,宁波泥蟹居住潜穴局部密集,扰动程度强烈,植物根迹密集,深度可达50~60 cm,这些生物遗迹常与平行直脊波痕和干涉波痕共生。中潮区沉积物主要由灰色粉砂和含砂粉砂构成,含水率较高,植被较稀疏。中潮区平坦的潮坪上生物遗迹主要由虹光亮樱蛤的居住潜穴和竹蛏的居住潜穴和摄食迹组成,丰度较高,具有少量泥螺拖迹以及植物根迹和鸟足迹。在中潮区潮沟两侧,沉积物颗粒较细,常见珠带拟蟹守螺的拖迹,宁波泥蟹的居住潜穴、足辙迹,弹涂鱼的爬迹。中潮区潮坪上多发育舌型波痕,生物遗迹多与舌型波痕共生。低潮区沉积物主要是灰色粉砂和粉砂质砂,含水率高,多为汤底,无植被,常见遗迹主要是虹光亮樱蛤的居住潜穴,竹蛏的居住潜穴以及少量海葵居住潜穴。2)沉积物的粒度、含水率影响遗迹的清晰度;3)由于受潮水、波浪运动的冲刷作用,沉积物表面的遗迹易被破坏,保存率极低,底内动物的居住潜穴保存率相对较高。该研究不仅为杭州湾潮间带沉积环境研究提供了新的现代生物遗迹信息,而且也可为古代强潮河口湾潮间带沉积环境中的古遗迹学研究提供借鉴。 Various trace-makers have been found in the soft ground of intertidal zone in Andong area,Hangzhou Bay.The trace-makers discovered in the study area include Bullacta exarata( Philippi),Cerithidea cingulata( Gmelin),Periophthalmus cantonensis( Osbeck),Ilyoplax ningpoensis,Nereis succinea,Solen strictus,Moerella iridescens,Sea anemone,as well as birds and plants. They can be classed as 8 genus,belonging to 5 categories including mollusca,arthropod,annelida,chordate,and Coelenterate. The traces made by these animals include repichnia( crawling,creeping,trails,trcaceways),domichnia,fodinichnia,augerisignia,cubichnia,digestisignia,fugichnia,avipedia and root traces. Based on the analysis of these traces,it is showed that their main types,spatial distribution,abundance and diversity and makers are different in various subenvironments of the intertidal zone. 1) The types and the distribution characteristics of trace-makers and their traces are obviously different in various subenvironments of the intertidal zone in the study area. In the upper tidal zone,the sediments mainly are sandy mud containing abundant organic material,the traces discovered in the area include trails,cubichnia and augerisignia made by Cerithidea cingulata( Gmelin),trails and cubichnia made by Bullacta exaratas( Philippi),fodinichnia,domichnia and trackways made by Ilyoplax ningpoensis,trails,fodinichnia,domichnia and digestisignia made by Nereis succinea,trails and domichnia made by Periophthalmus cantonensis( Osbeck),as well as avipidia made by birds and root traces. Among these traces,the trails and fodinichnia made by Cerithidea cingulata and Nereis succinea are the most abundant on the bedding plane. However,in the substrate,the most abundant traces are dwelling burrows made by Nereis succinea,and their distribution is also quite extensive,showing intensive disturbed structures. Meanwhile,the root traces( up to50 - 60 cm in depth) and dwelling burrows made by Ilyoplax ningpoensis concentrate locally. These traces always coexist with parrallel ripple marks and interference ripple marks. In the middle tidal zone,the sediments are made up of gray silt or silt mixed with sand,with high water content and sparser vegetation. The higher abundance traces in the flat zone mainly consist the dwelling burrows made by Moerella iridescens and dwelling burrows and fodinichnia made by Solen strictus,containing a small amount trails made by Bullacta exarata( Philippi) as well as root traces and birds' traces. Along both sides of the tidal channels,the sediment is finer,trails made by Cerithidea cingulatas,domichnia and traceways made by Ilyoplax ningpoensis,and repichnia made by Periophthalmus cantonensis are commonly discovered. On the bedding plane of the middle tidal zone,linguoid ripple marks are very common,and biogenic traces always coexist with linguoid ripple marks. In the lower tidal zone,the sediments are made up of gray silt or silty sand,with high water content,most of them are soup ground and no vegetation in the area,the traces mainly are domichnia made by Moerella iridescens and Solen strictus,along with a few dwelling burrows made by sea anemone's.2) The clearness of the traces was influenced by the grain size and the water content in the substrate sediments. 3) Because of the scouring of the tidal current and the wave,the epichnial on the bedding plane may be destroyed easily,the preservation rate of traces is extremely low,however,the domichnia made by the endogeny animals in the soft ground can be preserved easily. This study provides not only a lot of new information of modern biogenic traces in order to the sedimentary environment research in the intertidal area of Hanzhou Bay,but also use for reference to paleoichnology study in ancient similar intertidal flats.
出处 《沉积学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第4期714-729,共16页 Acta Sedimentologica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41272117 41102002) 海洋地质国家重点实验室开放基金资助项目(MGK1409)~~
关键词 杭州湾 潮间带 沉积环境 现代生物遗迹 Hangzhou Bay intertidal flat sedimentary environment modern biogenic traces
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