
雍正朝粮食安全政策与措施探析 被引量:1

An Analysis of the Food Security System and Measures in the Yongzheng Reign
摘要 清雍正朝人地矛盾已见端倪,常平仓亏空巨大,粮食安全问题较前严重。为保障粮食供给,朝廷采取了一系列举措,其中最突出的是严厉整饬常平仓亏空,积极垦荒、屯田,并试图在直隶地区种植水稻。同时狠抓粮食运输、调控粮价,加强粮仓建设与管理,兴修水利,减免地丁银,提倡务农风尚等等,这一系列政策和措施整体上行之有效,人均耕地约在5亩以上,粮食供给较为充分,粮价稳定,人寿延长,雍正四年70岁以上的人口约占1.4%。康雍乾时代的粮食安全政策延续性强,雍正朝的重要特点是整顿吏治,加强社仓和义仓建设、缓征钱粮,也有急功近利的直隶营田、垦荒政策过激等"试错"行为,乾隆朝沿袭了这些政策并进行纠错和调整。 In Yongzheng reign, the limited farmland began to fail the need of a growing popula- tion. The Ever Normal Granaries suffered severely insufficiencies in reserves and the food crisis deep- ened. In order to secure the food supply, the imperial court took a series of approaches, the most promi- nent among which are firmly regulating the Ever Normal Granaries, actively cultivating or reclaiming land, and implementing the project of rice cultivation in Zhili. Other approaches included paying close attention to grain transportation, moderating grain prices, strengthening the construction and manage- ment of granaries, undertaking water conservancy projects, reducing or exempting agricultural taxes, and promoting an ambience where agriculture was respected. Thanks to these efforts, per capita cultivat- ed land turned to around 5 mu, food was fairly adequately supplied, the food price stabilized, and life expectation increased; the population over the age of 70 was about 1.4% during the Yongzheng Reign. During Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong Reigns, policies toward the security of food supply showed strong continuity. Important aspects of policies in Yongzheng's Reign included the reorganization of government officials, strengthening of constructions of warehouse storage and Yi-cang, and the allevia- tion of agricultural taxes. Meanwhile, there were also some trial-and-error moves such as the agricultur- al transformation in Zhili or the new reclamation policies which turned out either too hasty or too pro- gressive. During the Qianlong Reign, the polices from the Yongzheng Reign were then continued with modifications and moderations.
作者 王志明 Wang Zhiming
出处 《社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第8期164-172,共9页 Journal of Social Sciences
基金 上海市哲学社会科学规划课题资助项目"雍正朝吏治整饬研究"(项目编号:2015BLS005)的阶段性成果
关键词 雍正朝 粮食安全 整饬粮仓 营田垦荒 蠲免 the Yongzheng Reign Food Security Reorganization of Government Officials Read-just Food Storage System Land-reclamation Reducing and Exempting the Agricultural Tax
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