黄河自1976年改道清水沟流路,向东流人莱州湾以来,至1988年10月其大嘴已向莱州湾淤进18.8km(钱意颖等,1992),在科氏力的作用下,黄河入海口门也已转成东南方向。随着黄河口海区的开发利用,国内有关单位对黄河口海区的水文环境作过多次调查(朱兰部等,1994;张经等,1985;孙秉一等,1988;Yang Zuosheng et al.,1989)。
Hydrological investigation data were used to analyze the characteristics of the salinity distribution and the extenion of the Yellow River Diluted Water (YDRW)in the sea. After the Yellow River relocatid eastward to Laizhou Bay in 1976,it was found that the YDRW extends east ward and northeast ward during the plentiful water period (from June to October),and southeast ward during the dry season (from November to May).The main factors affecting the extension direction of the YRDW were found to be the Yellow River runoff, monsoon and current systems near the Yellow River Estuary. The critical value of discharge which makes the YRDW turn eastward or northeastward is 2. 2× 109m3 per month.
Studia Marina Sinica