随着网络技术的发展,网络平台对高校计算机科学教学作用的影响是巨大的。在校园网环境中建立一个计算机学科的教学、开发平台可以实现学生自主学习CA I课件,进行W eb数据库应用系统和网站系统的开发,通过网络和教师进行课后交流、提出疑问、参加考试等。提出了在高等学校计算机学科的教学中建立统一、规范、开放的平台的思想,该平台基于自由软件L inux操作系统、A pacheW eb服务器、FTP服务器、M ySQL数据库管理系统。最后,阐述了这样一个平台所能提供的功能,以及如何建立这样一个平台和建立这样一个平台所需解决的关键性问题。
With the development of network technique,network platform effects significantly the teaching of computer science in universities.Creating a platform for teaching and development of computer subject is necessary,which can let students learn CAI courseware by themselves,develop web-based database application system and Web site system,keep in touch with teachers after class,ask teachers questions and take examination via network.In this paper,the project to create the unified,standard and open platform for the teaching of computer subject in universities is putted forward,which is based on free software Linux Operating System,Apache Web Server,FTP Server,MySQL DataBase Management System.Finally,what can be provided on this platform are described.The methodto create the platform is given and the related subjects for creating such a platform are also discussed.
Journal of Anhui University of Science and Technology:Natural Science