
5-氨基酮戊酸光动力联合贞芪扶正颗粒治疗尖锐湿疣临床疗效观察 被引量:7

Effect of 5-Aminolevulinic Acid Photodynamic Combine with Zhenqi Fuzheng Particles in Treating Condyloma Acuminatum
摘要 目的探讨5-氨基酮戊酸光动力疗法(5-aminolaevulinic acid photodynamic therapy,ALA-PDT)结合贞芪扶正颗粒治疗尖锐湿疣(Condyloma acuminatum,CA)的临床疗效和安全性。方法对比ALA-PDT治疗组、ALA-PDT联合匹多莫德治疗组、ALA-PDT联合贞芪扶正颗粒治疗组的临床疗效,中医证候疗效及不良反应。结果 ALAPDT联合贞芪扶正颗粒治疗组及ALA-PDT联合匹多莫德治疗组临床有效率均高于ALA-PDT治疗组;ALA-PDT联合贞芪扶正颗粒(显效率86.2%)在改善中医证候疗效优于其它2组;3组患者用药后无明显不良反应。结论贞芪扶正颗粒治疗CA疗效确切,尤其针对正虚邪恋型疗效更好,耐受性好,安全性良好。 Objective In order to observe the efficacy and safety of 5-aminolevulinic acid photodynamic therapy (ALA- PDT) combine with Zhenqi Fuzheng particle in treating patients with condyloma acuminatum (CA). Methods The patients were divided into ALA-PDT group, ALA-PDT combined with pidotimod group and ALA-PDT combined with Zhenqi Fuzheng particle group. The clinical efficacy, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) symptom efficacy index and the adverse reaction were observed, recorded and compared. Results The clinical effects of ALA-PDT combined with pidotimod group and ALA- PDT combined with Zhenqi Fuzheng particle group were more effective than ALA-PDT group with significant difference. No significant difference clinical effects were found between the ALA-PDT combined with pidotimod group and ALA-PDT combined with Zhenqi Fuzheng group (P〉0.05). Improvement of clinical TCM symptoms in ALA-PDT combined with Zhenqi Fuzheng particles group was bettter than that in the other two groups. No abnormal in liver and kidney function, and no significant side effects were found in all patients enrolled in study. Conclusion Zhenqi Fuzheng particle treatment of CA is effective. In the treatment of CA of syndrome of lingering pathogen due to deficient vital Qi, the effect is even better, with higher tolerance and better safety than other types.
出处 《中国中西医结合皮肤性病学杂志》 CAS 2017年第4期311-314,共4页 Chinese Journal of Dermatovenereology of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine
基金 原南京军区面上项目课题(15MS134)
关键词 尖锐湿疣 光动力治疗 贞芪扶正颗粒 匹多莫德 Condyloma acuminatum Photodynamic therapy Zhenqi Fuzheng particles Pidotimod
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