Under the influence of globalization,the market competition is very fierce,how can the mining enterprise achieve good economic benefits,only through production can be reflected.In recent years,due to a variety of factors,the mining industry has brought great impact,and seriously affected the price of mineral products,resulting in its continued downturn.Based on this,the station in mine enterprise perspective,to determine the pit should be included in the full consideration of economic rationality,only through scientific and rational design of the pit,in order to achieve good economic benefits,thus stripping control becomes more important than the.The economic stripping ratio is the core of the optimum mining area of open pit.How to determine the economic stripping ratio is of great significance to the mining area of openpit mine.In this paper,the author makes a thorough analysis of the determination of the economic stripping ratio of open-pit mine,and puts forward practical methods.
World Nonferrous Metals
open pit
economic stripping ratio