目的探讨应用无痛胃镜与普通胃镜检查的方法和临床效果。方法选取2016年1月—2017年1月该院收治的需行胃镜检查的患者60例,随机分成两组,对30例对照组患者实施普通胃镜检查,对观察组30例患者实施无痛胃镜检查,观察两组患者的诊疗操作优良率、不良反应发生率及对检查的满意度。结果观察组患者在生命体征指标,诊疗操作优良率(96.67%vs 76.67%)、不良反应发生率(6.67%vs 20.00%)及对检查的满意度(90.00%vs 20.00%)的比较结果上均明显优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论对需行胃镜检查的患者实施无痛胃镜检查的效果显著,患者痛苦程度相对较低,接受度高,满意度较高,可在临床推广使用。
Objective To study th e c l in ic a l effect an d safety of p a in le s s gastroscopy with normal gastroscopy ex amina-tion. Methods 6 0 c a se s of p a t ien ts n e ed in g th e gastroscopy examina tion in our h ospi tal from Jan u a ry 2 01 6 to Jan u a ry 2017 were selected and randomly divided into two groups with 30 cases in each, the control group and the observation group were respectively examined by the normal gastroscopy and painles s gastroscopy, and the excel lent and good rate of diagnosis and treatment diagnos is , incidence rate of adverse reactions and examination satisfactory degree of the two groups were observed. Results T he vital sign, diagnosis ope rat io n ex c ellen t and good ra te (9 6 .6 7% vs 7 6 .6 7%) , in c i-dence rate of adverse react ions(6.67% vs 20.00%) and examination satisfactory degree (90.00% vs 20.00%) in the ob-servat ion group were bet ter than those in the control group, and the differences were s tat is t ical ly signif icant (P〈0.05). Conclusion T he imp lemen ta tio n effect of p atien ts n e ed in g th e gastroscopy examination is obvious, and th e p a in deg ree of pat ients is relatively low and the acceptance and satisfactory degree are high, which can be promoted and appl ied in clinic.
Systems Medicine
P ain le s s gastroscopy
Normal gastroscopy
Examin ation method
Clinic al effect